Personalized Agent Modeling by Modified Spreading Neural Network

  • Cho, Young-Im (Dept. of Computer Science, Pyongtaek University)
  • Published : 2003.12.01


Generally, we want to be searched the newest as well as some appropriate personalized information from the internet resources. However, it is a complex and repeated procedure to search some appropriate information. Moreover, because the user's interests are changed as time goes, the real time modeling of a user's interests should be necessary. In this paper, I propose PREA system that can search and filter documents that users are interested from the World Wide Web. And then it constructs the user's interest model by a modified spreading neural network. Based on this network, PREA can easily produce some queries to search web documents, and it ranks them. The conventional spreading neural network does not have a visualization function, so that the users could not know how to be configured his or her interest model by the network. To solve this problem, PREA gives a visualization function being shown how to be made his interest user model to many users.



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