Public Recognition and Acceptance of Yookmee (‘6 dishes’) Designated by Daejeon Metropolitan City as the Foods Representative of the Daejeon Area

대전의 대표음식 발전 방향 모색을 위한 대전시가 선정한 ‘육미’에 대한 인지 및 수용성 조사

  • 서윤석 (충남대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 정영진 (충남대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2003.12.01


This study was conducted to devise a scheme for the development of foods designated as Yookmee (“6 dishes), which are representative food of Daejeon area. The Yookmee consist of Seolleongtang(ox bone soup and boiled rice), Samgyetang (chicken stew stuffed with glutinous rice and ginseng), Dolsotbap (boiled rice mixed with vegetables), Goojeukmook (acorn jelly), Sootgol-naengmyeon (cold buckwheat noodles with broth) and Daecheongho minmulgogi-maeuntang (spicy hot freshwater fish soup). A questionnaire was developed and administered by means of an interview regarding the subjects' recognition of and preference for the six dishes, their usual eating places and eating frequencies, the need for some standardization of recipes and for nutrition labeling including serving sizes and nutrient content. The total number of subjects who participated in this study were 328 (male 112, female 216) living in Daejeon. The subjects who were aware of the presence of Yookmee were more in their thirties or older (15%) compared to those in their twenties (9.6%) The percentages of the subjects who recognized the Yookmee as the representative foods were twice among those in their thirties (over 60%), as compared to 31.5% in their twenties (p<0.001). Samgyetang was one of the favorite foods of all the Yookmee among those in their twenties and Goojeukmook was the favorite for all the other age groups. The incidence of those eating one of Yookmee more than once a month was 51.5% in all the age groups, but the intake frequency was lower among those in their twenties (43.8%). The percentage of those who recommended Yookmee as a food for guests was the highest among those in their fifties (54.7%). The first reason why the subjects do not recommend these foods was because they were unfamiliar with Yookmee; among those in their thirties and forties the 2nd reason was because it is not much enough in quality or quantity to be served as a food for guests. Over 60% of the subjects felt the need for standardization of Yookmee, recipes for especially those in their fifties did feel the needs (92.5%). Furthemore, regarding labeling of sowing sizes and nutrients contents, over 80% of the subjects wanted these, and this desire tended to increase with age. From these results, it seems reasonable to accept Yookmee as the representative foods of Daejeon, despite the fact that many people do not yet currently do so. Since most of the subjects (85.4%) partake Yookmee outside of their homes, it is recommended that efforts need to be expanded on enhancing the nutritional quality, the taste and the quality control of Yookmee by standardizing the recipes, labeling the serving sizes and nutrient contents, and providing educational and publicity programs.



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