PMF모델을 이용한 대기 중 PM-10 오염원의 정량적 기여도 추정

Estimation of Quantitative Source Contribution of Ambient PM-10 Using the PMF Model

  • 황인조 (경희대학교 산학협력기술연구원) ;
  • 김동술 (경희대학교 환경응용화학대학 대기오염연구실 및 환경연구센터)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


In order to maintain and manage ambient air quality, it is necessary to identify sources and to apportion its sources for ambient particulate matters. The receptor methods were one of the statistical methods to achieve reasonable air pollution strategies. Also, receptor methods, a field of chemometrics, is based on manifold applied statistics and is a statistical methodology that analyzes the physicochemical properties of gaseous and particulate pollutant on various atmospheric receptors, identifies the sources of air pollutants, and quantifies the apportionment of the sources to the receptors. The objective of this study was 1) after obtaining results from the PMF modeling, the existing sources of air at the study area were qualitatively identified and the contributions of each source were quantitatively estimated as well. 2) finally efficient air pollution management and control strategies of each source were suggested. The PMF model was intensively applied to estimate the quantitative contribution of air pollution sources based on the chemical information (128 samples and 25 chemical species). Through a case study of the PMF modeling for the PM-10 aerosols, the total of 11 factors were determined. The multiple linear regression analysis between the observed PM-10 mass concentration and the estimated G matrix had been performed following the FPEAK test. Finally the regression analysis provided quantitative source contributions (scaled G matrix) and source profiles (scaled F matrix). The results of the PMF modeling showed that the sources were apportioned by secondary aerosol related source 28.8 %, soil related source 16.8%, waste incineration source 11.5%, field burning source 11.0%, fossil fuel combustion source 10%, industry related source 8.3%, motor vehicle source 7.9%, oil/coal combustion source 4.4%, non-ferrous metal source 0.3%. and aged sea- salt source 0.2%, respectively.



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