IP주소 프로파일링과 Pi 마킹을 이용한 DDoS 공격 대응

  • Published : 2003.12.01




  1. Security and Privacy, 2003. Proceedings. 2003 Symposium on Pi: A Path Identification Mechanism to Defend against DDoS Attacks Abraham Yaar;Adrian Perrig;Dawn Song
  2. Caida. Skitter.
  3. IEEE Communications Magazine v.40 no.Issue: 10 Defending against flooding-based distributed denial-of-service attacks: a tutorial Chang, R.K.C.
  4. 1997 IEEE Analysis of a Denial of Service Attack on TCP Christoph L. Schuba;Ivan V.Krsul;Markus G.Kuhn;Eugene H.Spafford;Aurobindo Sundaram;Diego Zamboni
  5. Denial of Service Attacks CERT
  6. Analyses and talks on attack tools
  7. Developers use the Alexa Web Information Service Alexa
  8. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
  9. WWW10WWW2002 Flash crowds and denial of service attacks:Characterizstion and implications for cdns and web sites Jaeyeon Jung;Balachander Krishnamurth;Michael Rabinovich
  10. Proceedings of the 10 th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols(ICNP'02) 2002 IEEE Attacking DDoS at the source Jelena Mirkovic;Gregory Prier;Peter Reiher
  11. A Taxonomy of DDoS Attack and DDoS Defense Mechanisms Jelena Mirkovic;Peter Reiher
  12. Network an Distributed System Security Symposium Implementing Pushback: Router-Based Defense Against DDoS Attacks John Ioannidis;Steven M. Bellovin
  13. Computers, IEEE Transaction v.52 no.Issue: 2 Sustaining availability of web services under distributed denial of service attacks Jun Xu;Wooyong Lee
  14. Universal Multiservice Networks, 2002. ECUMN 2002. 2nd European Conference on Active shaping:a countermeasure against DDoS attacks Kashiwa, D. Chen, E.Y.;Fuji, H.
  15. Trends in Denial of Service Attack Technology Kevin J. Houle;George M. Weaver
  16. Tech. Rep. CSD-00-017, Department of Computer Sciences A Proactive Approach to Distributed DoS Attack Prevention using Route-Based Distributed Filtering K. Park;H. Lee
  17. SIGCOMM'01 On the Effectiveness of RouteBased Packet Filtering for Distributed DoS Attack Prevention in PowerLaw Internets Kihong Park;Heejo Lee
  18. RFC Draft Active Networking Working Group K. L. Calvert
  19. Controlling High Bandwidth Aggregates in the Network Ratul Mahajan;Steven M. Bellovein;Sally Floyd;John Ioanning;Vern Paxson;Scott Shenker
  20. eSecurity Planet.com Massive DDoS Attack Hit DNS Root Servers Ryan Naraine
  21. Snort:The Open Source Network Intrusion Detection System Sourcefire
  22. SIGCOMM'00 Practical Network Support for IP Traceback Stefan Savage;David Wetherall;Anna Karlin;Tom Anderson
  23. Extensible routers for active networks Shalaby, N.;Peterson, L.;Bavier, A.;Gottlieb, Y.;Karlin, S.;Nakao, A.;Xiaohu Qie;Spalink, T.;Wawrzoniak, M.
  24. Active network based DDoS defense Sterne, D.;Djahandari, K.;Balupari, R.;LaCholter, W.;Babson, B.;Wilson, B.;Narasimhan, P.;Purtell, A.;Schnackenberg, D.;Linden, s.
  25. Communications, 2003. ICC '03. IEEE International Conference on v.1 Protection from distributed denial of service attacks using history-based ip filtering Tao Peng;Leckie, C.;Ramamohanarao, K.