대규모 인프라 공격에 대한 방어 기술의 발전 동향

  • Published : 2003.12.01




  1. Proc. First DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition Infrastructure for intrusion detection and response SCHNACKENBERG, D;DJAHANDARI,K;STERNE, D.
  2. IEEE IT Pro. Distributed Denial of Service Attacks and the Zombie Ant Effect Jhon Elliott
  3. Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Management Symposium The Infrastructure Web: A System for distributed Monitoring And Management George Cybenko;Guofei Jian
  4. 2000 IEEE A Testbed for Study of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Andrew Barkley;Steve Liu;Quoc Thong Le Gia;Matt Dingfield;Yashodhan Gokhale
  5. Tech. Rep. CSD-00-017 A proactive approach to distributed DoS attack prevention using route-based distributed filtering K. Park;H. Lee
  6. IEEE IT Pro. Defeating Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Xianjun Geng;Andrew B. Whinston
  7. Proceedings of Sixth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom'2000) Intrusion Detection in Wireless AdHoc Networks Yongguang Zhang;Wenke Lee
  8. Tech. Rep. UCB/CSD-00-1107 Advanced and authenticated marking schemes for IP traceback Dawn Song;Adrian Perrig
  9. IEEE Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Felix Lau;Ljiljana Trajkovic
  10. Real Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium Layer-4 service differentiation and resource isolation Haining Wang;Shin, K.G.
  11. Presented at Information Survivabiloity Workshop The XenoService-A Distributed Defeat for Distributed Denial of Service J. Yan;S. Early;R. Anderson
  12. Computer magazine Denial-of-Service Attacks Rip the Internet Lee Garber
  13. IEEE An Achilles' Heel in Signature-Based IDS_Squealing False Positives in SNORT Samuel Patton;William Yurcik;David Doss
  14. IEEE MULTOPS:a data structure for denial-of-service attack detection Thomer M. Gil
  15. Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection A Data Mining and CIDF Based Approach for Detecting Novel and Distributed Intrusions Wenke Lee;Rahul A. Nimbalkar;Kam K. Yee;Sunil B.Patil;Pragneshkumar H. Desai;Thuan T. Tran;Salvatore J. Stolfo
  16. IEEE Malicious Packet Dropping:How It Might Impact the TCP Performance and How We Can Detect It Xiaobing Zhang;S. Felix Wu
  17. Graduate Networking Course, Survey Project Paper Denial of Service Attacks and How to Defend Against Them V. Razmov
  18. Revised Papers from the 8th International Workshop on Security Protocols DOS-Resistant Authentication with Client Puzzles Tuomas Aura;Pekka Nikander;Jussipekka Leiwo
  19. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS-PART A:SYSTEMS AND HUMANS v.31 On the Defense of the Distributed Denial of Service Attacks:An OnOff Feedback Control Approach Yong Xiong;Steve Liu;Peter Sun
  20. Computers and Communications;Proceedings. Sixth IEEE Symposium on ACtive edge-Tagging(ACT):An Intruder Indentification & Isolation Scheme in Active Networks Kim, G.;Bogovic, T.;Chee, D.
  21. SIGCOMM On the Effectiveness of Route-Based Packet Filtering for Distributed DoS Attack Prevention in Power-Law Internets Kihong Park;Heejo Lee
  22. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID) Autonomic Response to Distributed Denial of Service Attacks D. Sterne(et al.)
  23. Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP International Working Conference on Active Networks(IWAN) Practical network applications on a lightweight active management environment K. G. Anagnostakis;S. Ioannidis;S. Miltchev;J.M. Smith
  24. Trends in denial of service attack technology C. C. Center
  25. ICICS Quantifying Network Denial of Service:A Location Service Case Stydy Y. Chen;A. Bargreil;R. Katz;J. Kubiatowicz
  26. IEEE Detecting Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks Using Komogorov Complexity Metrics A.B. Kulkarmi;S.F.Bush;S.C.Evans
  27. IEEE On Design and Evaluation of Intention-Driven ICMP Traceback Allison Mankin;Dan Massey;Chien-Lung Wu;S. Felix Wu;Lixia Zhang
  28. IEEE Computer Security Applications Conference Requirements for a General Framework for Response to DDoS D.W. Gresty;Q. Shi;M. Merabti
  29. ACM Protecting Web Servers from Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Frank Karg;Joern Maier;Michael Weber
  30. IEEE SPECTRUM No Longer in Denial Xiaobing Zhang;S. Felix Wu
  31. IEEE DARPA Information Assurance Progra Experimental Confirmation DdoS Sara Kaufman;Stephe Ying
  32. DARPA Information Survivability Conference & Exposition II. 2001. DISCEX '01. Proceedings v.1 no.Iss. Cooperative Intrusion Traceback and Response Architecture (CITRA) Schnackengerg, D.;Djahandari, K.
  33. Aerospace of Conference, 2001, IEEE Proceeding Using Active Networking to Thwart Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Scott Shyne;Adam Hovak;Joseph Riolo
  34. ACM Computer Communications Review An Analysis of Using Reflectors in Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks Vern Paxson
  35. Integrated Network Management Proceedings, 2001 IEEE/IFIP International Symposium Proactive Detection of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks using MIB Traffic Variables-A Feasibility Study Joao B. D. Cabreraa;Lundy Lewisb;Xinzhou Qinc(et al.)
  36. Info-tech and Info-net.2001. Proceedings. ICII 2001- Beijing. 2001 International Conferences The diagnosis of DDoS attack and a novel approach to optimizing control Zhao Wen-Wang;Qin Shi-Yin
  37. TCSET Denial of service and distributed denial of service attacks Andrian Piskozub
  38. Proceedings, DANCE 02', 2002 IEEE Active Network Based DDoS Defense Dan Sterne;Kelly Djahandari;Ravindra Balupari;William La Cholter;Bill Babson;Brett Wilson;Priya Narasimhan;Andrew Purtell;Dan Schnackenberg;Scott Linden
  39. Applications and the Internet (SAINT) Workshops, 2002. Proceedings. 2002 Symposium on Security Issues for Internet Appliances Stajano, F.;Isozaki, H.
  40. Network and Distributed System Security Symposium Implementing Pushback: Router-Based Defense Against DDoS Attacks John Ioannidis;Steven M. Bellovin
  41. INFOCOM 2002. Twenty-First Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Proceedings. IEEE. v.3 SAVE: Source Address Validity Enforcement Protocol Jun Li;Mirkovic, J.;Mengqiu Wang;Reiher, P.;Lixia Zhang
  42. ACM Computer Communication Review v.32 no.3 Controlling high bandwidth aggregates in the network Ratul Manajan;Steven M. Bellovin;Sally Floyd;John Ioannidis;Vern Paxson;Scott Shenker
  43. 10th IEEE International Conference Engineering of a global defense infrastructure for DDoS attacks Wan, K.K.K.;Chang. R.K.C.
  44. Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems, 2002. MASCOTS 2002. Proceedings. 10th IEEE International Symposium on You Can Run, But You Can't Hide: An Effective Methodology to Traceback DDoS Attackers K.T. Law;John C.S. Lui;David K.Y. Yau
  45. 10th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols(ICNP) IP Traceback-based Intelligent Packet Filtering:A Novel Technique for Defending Against Internet DDoS Attacks Minho Sung;Jun Xu
  46. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium., Proceedings International, IPDPS Defending against distributed denial of service attacks using resistant mobile agent architecture Tieyan Li;Wai-Meng Chew;Kwok-Yan Lam
  47. IEEE SPECTRUM An Active Security Protocol against DoS attacks Xiobing Zhang;S. Felix Wu
  48. IEEE Active Shaping:A Countermeasure against DDoS attack Dai kashiwa;Eric Y. Chen;Hitoshi Fuji
  49. Quality of Service, 2002 Tenth IEEE International Workshop Defending Against Distributed Denial of Service Attacks with Max-Min Fair Server-centric Router Throttles David K. Y. Y. Yau;John C. S. Lui;Feng Liang
  50. Proceedings of Annual Computer Security Applications of Conference (ACSAC) Mitigating Distributed Denial of Service Attacks with Dynamic Resource Pricing David Mankins;Rajesh Krishnan;Ceilyn Boyd;John Zaho;Michael Frentz
  51. 2002. Tenth IEEE International Workshop on Mitigation of DoS attacks through QoS regulation, Quality of Service Garg, A.;Narasimha Reddy;A.L.
  52. ACM A Taxonomy of DDoS Attack and DDoS Defense Mechanisms Jelena Mirkovic;Peter Reiher
  53. Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP'02), 2002 IEEE Attacking DDoS at the source Jelena Mirkovic;Gregory Prier;Peter Reiher
  54. Decision and Control, 2002, Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on v.2 Using Transient Behavior of TCP in Mitigation of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks M. Kalantari;K. Gallicchio;M.A. Shayman
  55. IEEE Honeypots for Distributed Denial of Service Attacks NathalieWeiler
  56. IEEE Defending against flooding-based distributed denial-of-service attacks Rocky K.C. Chang r.
  57. Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC.01) 2002 IEEE Dealing with Denial-of-Service Attacks in Agent-enabled Active and Programmable Infrastructures Stamatis Karnouskos
  58. ACM Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society Defending Against an Internet-based Attack on the Physical World Simon Byers;Aviel D. Rubin;David Kormann
  59. Computers, IEEE Transactions on v.52 no.Issue:2 Sustaining availability of web services under distributed denial of service attacks Jun Xu;Wooyong Lee
  60. Communications, 2003. ICC '03. IEEE International conference on v.1 Protection from distributed denial of service attacks using history-based ip filtering Tao Peng;Leckie, C.;Ramamohanarao, K.
  61. DARPA Information Survivabiliity Conference and Exposition (DISCEX'03), IEEE Analyzing interaction between distributed denial of service attacks and mitigation technologies W. J. Blackert;D. M. Gregg;A. K. Castner;E.M.Kyle;R.L.Hom;R.M.Jokerst
  62. Security and Privacy, 2003. Proceedings. 2003 Symposium on Defending against denial-of-service attacks with puzzle auctions XiaoFeng Wang;Reter, M.K.
  63. Security and Privacy, 2003. Proceedings. 2003 Symposium on Pi: a path identification mechanism to defend against DDoS attacks Yaar, A.;Perrig, A.;Song, D.
  64. Proceedings of SoftCOM 2003 11. International conference on software, telecommunications and computer networks A game based analysis of the client puzzle approach to defend against DoS attacks B. Bencsath;L. Buttyan;I. Vajda