A Case Study of Application of the ecological Design - Focused on office building -

생태적 디자인 적용 사례에 관한 기초 연구 - 오피스 빌딩을 중심으로 -

  • 정효경 (미국 Arizona State University)
  • Published : 2003.12.01


The quality of the environment, both natural and man-made, has unlimited influence on people's behavior and their physical and psychological well being. Interior designers shaped the indoor environment in which people live, work, perform day-to-day tasks and rest. Since designers affect a society's sensitivity and thinking, the aesthetics and ethics of the designs must respond to the most burning environmental issues of the contemporary world. This awareness is especially important now, at this critical time in the life of our planet, when humanity is facing twin catastrophes: natural resources depletion and environmental degradation. Under this concept, the purpose of this study is to configure what kind of design is ecologic and sustainable design and how we can develop ecological design as focusing on natural ventilation, natural lighting, uses of recycled materials, application of Indoor landscaping and architectural forms through several existing cases of the ecological office building.



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