월터 그로피우스의 건축선언과 작품특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Architectural Manifesto and Design Works Characteristics of Walter Gropius

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


The purpose of this study is to analyze the architectural manifesto and design works characteristics of Walter Gropius. He was the director of Weimar Bauhaus that one of the advanced artificial movements in the early modern period. The almost of the early modern movements was related to the radical ideology and the manifesto. Especially Bauhaus originated from manifesto of artists teaching group with architect Walter Gropius. Therefore, the category of the study pitch upon Bauhaus architectural manifesto - Bauhaus Manifesto and Programme(1919) - and the representative works of Walter Gropius - Fagus Factory(1911-14), Dessau Bauhaus Building(1925-26), Siedlung Berlin-Siemensstadt(1929-30) and Harvard Graduate Center(1949). The conclusions of the study as per the above mentioned pill pose are the dynamic integration by non-symmetry in cubic form (formal characteristics) and organic continuity by reciprocality in transparent space (spatial characteristics).



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