Effect of Polyaniline Film by Electro-synthesis on Corrosion Resistance of Steel Sheets in the Aqueous Solution of Sodium Chloride

NaCl 수용액내에서 강판의 내식성에 미치는 전해합성 폴리아닐린 피막의 영향

  • Yoon, J.M. (Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Jeonbuk National University) ;
  • Kim, Y.G. (Technical Research Lab., POSCO)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


Increasing environmental concerns require to solve the problem produced due to the use of heavy metals in coating formulations. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new coating strategy employing inherently conducting polymers such as Polyaniline(PANI). Polyaniline films were electrosynthesized by oxidation of aniline on cold rolled and weathering sheets using the potentiostatic mode from an aqueous oxalic acid medium. Potentiodynamic polarization curves were obtained for cold rolled and weathering sheets in the aqueous solution of 3% sodium chloride. The structure and properties of polyaniline film were elucidated using SEM, DSC, SST. A high corrosion resistance of polyaniline films were observed with a gain of the corrosion potential around 600-900 mV positive in the substrate covered with polyaniline than in the case without it.



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