Anti-stress Effect of Pyroligneous Liquid in SD Rats and ICR Mice

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


Pyroligneous liquid(PL) is produced by carbonizing Oak in 350-40$0^{\circ}C$. It is traditionally used for treating stress-related disorder, hepatic disease, immune disorder, G-I disorder and inflammatory disease. The aim of this study is to investigate anti-stress effects of PL. The experiments were performed with the use of young(9 weeks of age) male rats of SD strain and the male ICR mice (20-25 g). Animals of the normal group were not exposed to any stress and the control group were exposed to stress. The rats of the Ginseng, diazepam(BZ) and PL supplementary group were orally administered once a day 100 g of Ginseng extract-kg body weight, 5 mg of BZ/kg body weight and 1 ml of PL100 g body weight and then exposed to stress. The mice of the Ginseng, BZ and PL supplementary group were given water containing 100 g of Ginseng extract/100 ml potable water, 5 mg of BZ/kg 100 ml of drinking water and 10 ml of PL/100 ml of drinking water and exposed to stress. Animals were given materials for 7 days after stabilizing them, and then were given supplementary materials for 5 days with stress. They were stressed by immobilization for 30 minutes and then the animals were exposed to electroshocks for 5 minutes. We recorded stress-related behavioral changes of experimental animals by stressing them using the Etho-vision system and measured the levels of corticosterone in blood While stress suppressed locomotor activity of animals, PL-supplementation partially blocked the stress effect of locomotion in rats and mice, and also partially blocked stress-induced behavioral changes such as freezing, burrowing, smelling and rearing activity in rats and freezing, grooming, tailing and rearing in mice. The staying time of stressed rats and mice in open area decreased and in closed area it increased relatively in elevated plus maze test. However, these changes also partially were blocked by PL-supplementation. PL-supplementation decreased levels of blood corticosterone increased by stress in rats. These results suggest that PL protects partially the living organism from stress attack in some cases.



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