Assessment of the Nitrate Radical Chemistry and Chemical Composition on Jeju Island during the Asian Pollution Period in the Spring of 2001

  • Shon, Zang-Ho (Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Dong-Eui University) ;
  • Kim, Ki-Hyun (Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Sejong University) ;
  • Keith N. Bower (Physics Dept., UMIST, United Kingdom) ;
  • Lee, Gangwoong (Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Hankook University of Foreign Studies) ;
  • Kim, Jiyoung (Meterological Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


In this study, we examined the influence of long-range transport of dust particles and air pollutants on the photochemistry of NO$_3$on Jeju Island, Korea (33.17 N, 126.10$^{\circ}$E) during the Asian Dust-Storm (ADS) period of April 2001. Three ADS events were observed during the periods of 10∼12, 13∼14, and 25∼26 April. Average concentration level of nighttime NO$_3$on Jeju Island during the ADS period was estimated to be about 2 x 10$^{8}$ molecules cm$^{-3}$ ( - 9 pptv). Decreases in NO$_3$levels during the ADS period was likely to be determined mainly by the enhancement of the $N_2$O$_{5}$ heterogeneous reaction on dust aerosol surfaces. The reaction of N20s on aerosol surfaces was a more important sink for nighttime N03 during the ADS due to the significant loading of dust particles. The reaction of $N_2$O$_{5}$ with NMHCs and the gas-phase reaction of N20s with water vapor were both significant loss mechanisms during the study period, especially during the NADS. However, dry deposition of these oxidized nitrogen species and a heterogeneous reaction of NO$_3$were of no importance. Short-term observations of $O_3$, NO$_2$, DMS, and SO$_2$in the MBL indicated that concentrations of most of these chemical species were different between the ADS and non - Asian - Dust-Storm (NADS) periods, implying that their levels were affected sensitively by the differences in air mass trajectories.



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