Biological and Ecological Considerations of the Freshwater Amphipod, Diporeia spp.

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


Biological and ecological characteristics of Diporeia spp. are described including size, growth, life cycle, energy storage, temperature effect, bioturbation, feeding depth and sediment ingestion of Diporeia. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of organic contaminants and trace metals were reviewed in addition to an examination of the relationships among various condition indexes (i.e. wet weight, dry weight and body length) of Diporeia.



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  2. Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan, Special Report No. 54 Seasonal abundance and spatial distribution of Lake Michigan macrobenthos, 1964-67 Alley,W.P.;S.C.Mozley
  3. Can. Field. Nat. v.72 Freshwater amphipod crustaceans of glaciated North America Bousfield,E.L.
  4. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. v.46 Revised morphological relationship with in the amphipod genera Pontoporeia and Gammaracanthus and the glacial relict significance of their post-glacial distributions Bousfield,E.L.
  5. J. Great Lakes Res. v.22 A comparison of sediment toxicity test methods at three Great Lakes Areas of Concern Burton,G.A.;C.G.Ingersoll;L.C.Burnett;M.Henry;M.L.Hinman;S.L.Klanie;P.F.Landrum;P.Ross;M.Tuchman
  6. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. v.53 Seasonal variation of lipid composition, weight, and length in juvenile Diporeia ssp. (Amphipoda) from Lakes Michigan and Ontario Cavaletto,J.F.;T.F.Nalepa;R.Dermott;W.S.Gardner;M.A.Quigley;G.A.Lang
  7. Biology of benthic organisms. 11th Eur. Mar. Biol. Symp. Annual macrofauna production of a soft bottom in the northern Baltic proper Cederwell,H.
  8. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. v.45 Seasonal ingestion rates of Pontoporeia hoyi (Amphipoda) in Lake Ontario Dermott,R.;K.Corning
  9. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. v.10 Technical basis for establishing sediment quality criteria for nonionic organic chemicals by using equilibrium partitioning DiToro,D.M.;C.S.Zarba;D.J.Hansen;W.J.Berry;R.C.Swartz;C.E.Cowan;S.P.Pavlou;H.E.Allen;N.A.Thomas;P.R.Paquin
  10. Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Mechanisms, Methods and Metabolism Factors affecting bioconcentration of PAH by the dominant benthic organisms of the Great Lakes Eadie,B.J.;W.R.Faust;P.F.Landrum;N.R.Morehead;M.Cooke(ed.);A.J.Dennis(ed.)
  11. Ecol. v.67 Adult interference with postlavae in soft sediments-the Pontoporeia-Macoma example Elmgren,R.;S.Ankar;B.Marteleur;G.Ejdung
  12. J. Great Lakes Res. v.16 Comparative ecology of Pontoporeia hoyi populations in southern Lake Michigan: the profundal region versus the slope and shelf regions Evans,M.S.;M.A.Quigley;J.A.Wojcik
  13. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. v.20 The biomagnification of polychlorinated biphenyls, toxaaphene, and DDT compounds in a Lake Michigan USA offshore food web Evans,M.S.;G.E.Noguchi;C.P.Rice
  14. J. Great Lakes Res. v.2 Distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in Canadian waters of Northern Lake Superior Freitag,R.;P.Fung;J.S.Mothersill;G.K.Prouty
  15. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. v.42 Seasonal patterns of lipid content of Lake Michigan macroinvertebrates Gardner,W.S.;T.F.Nalepa;W.A.Frez;E.A.Cichocki;P.F.Landrum
  16. Limnol. Oceanogr. v.32 Nitrogen mineralization and denitrification in Lake Michigan sediments Gardner,W.S.;T.F.Nalepa;J.M.Malozyk
  17. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. v.9 Lipid-partitioning and desorption of benzo(a) pyrene and hexachlorobiphenyl in Lake Michingan Pontoporeia hoyi Gardner,W.S.;P.F.Landrum;J.F.Chandler
  18. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. v.46 Effects of food-removal on nutrient-release dates, lipid content and survival time of Lake Michigan Pontoporeia hoyi Gauvin,J.M.;W.S.Gardner;M.A.Quigley
  19. Biol. Bull. v.86 Studies on the postembryonic development of Hyalella azteca Geisler,S.F.S.
  20. Biol. Naut. v.4 Biology and ecology of the relict crustacean Pontoporeia affinis Lindstorm in the Lakes of Karelia Gordeev,O.N.
  21. Limonl. Oceanogr. v.15 The effect of a deposit feeding amphipod on metabolism of microflora Hargrave,B.T.
  22. Oikos v.49 Vertical distribution in the sediment in the co-occurring benthic amphipods Pontoporiea affinis and P.femorata Hill,C.;R.Elmgren
  23. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. v.2039 Assays of Hamilton Harbour sediments using Diporeia hoyi (Amphipoda) and Chironomus plumosus (Diptera) Jackson,M.;J.Milne;H.Johnston;R.Dermott
  24. Hydrobiology v.144 The life history, production and food habits of Pontoporeia affinis Linstorm (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in mesotrophic Lake Erken Johnson,R.K.
  25. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. v.45 Production by the amphipod Pontoporeia hoyi in South Bay, Lake Huron, Canada Johnson,M.G.
  26. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. v.28 Benthic community metabolism in Bay of Quinte and Lake Ontario Johnson,M.G.;R.O.Brinkhurst
  27. J. Great Lakes Res. v.5 Pontoporeia distribution along the Keweenaw shore of Lake Superior affected copper tailing Kraft,K.J.
  28. Arch. Hydrobiol. v.111 Ecological effects of pentachlorophenol on the brackish-water amphipod Gammarus tigrinus Kierstead,W.D.;F.Barlocher
  29. J. Great Lakes Res. v.24 A review of the factors affecting the ecotoxicology of Diporeia spp Landrum,P.F.;T.F.Nalepa
  30. Chem. Speciat. Bioavail. v.6 The role of sediment composition on the bioavailability of laboratory-dosed sediment-associated organic contaminants to the amphipod, Diporeia (spp.). Landrum,P.F.;W.R.Faust
  31. Sediments: Chemistry and Toxicity of In-Place Pollutant Bioavailability of sediment associated contaminants: A review and simulation model Landrum,P.F.;J.A.Robbins;R.Baudo(ed.);J.P.Giesy(ed.);H.Muntau(ed.)
  32. Limnol. Oceanogr. v.34 Feeding depths and organic absorption for the deposit-feeding benthic amphipods Pontoporeia affinis and Pontoporeia femorata Lopez,G.;R.Elmgren
  33. Oecologia v.32 The availability of macroorganisms attached to sediment particles as food for Hydrobia ventrosa (Montagu) (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) Lopez,G.;J.S.Levinton
  34. Ph.D. dissertantion, University of Wisconsin Population dynamics and production of the relict amphipod Pontoporeia hoyi at several Lake Michigan stations Lubner,J.F.
  35. Ecology v.46 Substrate relations of hte burrowing amphipod Pontoporeia affinis in Lake Michigan Marzolf,G.R.
  36. Great Lakes Research Divison, The University of Michigan, Publication No. 13 Vertical migration of Pontoporeia affinis (Amphipoda) in Lake Michigan Marzolf,G.R.
  37. Crustaceana v.36 Ecology of subartic population of Pontoporeia affinis Lindstorm (amphipoda) Moore,J.W.
  38. Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Great Lakes Research Distribution of benthic invertebrates in the south end of Lake Michigan Mozley,S.C.;W.P.Alley
  39. Environmental status of the Lake Michigan region v.6 ANL/ES-40 Mozley,S.C.;R.P.Howmiller
  40. J. Great Lakes Res. v.15 Estimates of macroinvertebrate biomass in Lake Michigan Nalepa,T.F.
  41. Freshwater Biol. v.11 Vertical distribution of the zoobenthos in southestern Lake Michigan with evidence of seasonal variation Nalepa,T.F.;A.Robertson
  42. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. v.40 Phosphorous release by three kinds of benthic invertebrates: Effects of substrates and water medium Nalepa,T.F.;W.S.Gardner;J.M.Malozyk
  43. NOAA Data Report, Environmental Research Laboratories, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratories Macrobenthos of southern Lake Michigan, 1980-81 Nalepa,T.F.;M.A.Quigley;K.Childs;J.Gauvin;T.Heatle;M.Parker;L.Vanover
  44. Freshwater Biol. v.33 Freshwater amphipods as bioindicators of metal pollution in surface and interstitial aquatic systems Plenet,S.
  45. J. Great Lakes Res. v.14 Gut fullness of the deposit-feeding amphipod Pontoporeia hoyi in Southeastern Lake Michigan USA Quigley,M.A.
  46. Hydrobiology v.233 Ingestion of live filamentous diatoms by the Great Lakes amphipod, Diporeia sp.: a case study of the limited value of gut contents Quigley,M.A.;H.A.Vanderploeg
  47. Earth Plan. Sci. Let. v.42 Effect of deposit feeders on migration of $^{137}Cs$ in Lake sediments Robbins,J.A.;P.L.McCall;J.B.Fisher;J.R.Krezoski
  48. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, U.S. Department of Interior, Technical Paper. No. 25 Toxicity of pesticides to the crustacean Gammarus lacustris Sanders,H.O.
  49. Commenta. Biol. v.89 The texanomic status and prehistory of the glacial relict Pontoporeia (Crustacea Amphipoda) living in North American lakes Segerstrale,S.G.
  50. Hydrobiology Factors influencing densities and distributions of Pontoporeia hoyi in Lake Ontario Sly,P.G.;W.J.Christie
  51. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. v.101 Culture, reproduction and temperature tolerance of Pontoporeia affinis in the laboratory Smith,W.E.
  52. J. Great Lakes Res. v.12 Accumulation of contaminant metals in the amphipod Diporeia spp. in western Lake Ontario Song,K.H.;V.T.Breslin
  53. Ph.D. Thesis, State University of New York at Stony Brook Bioaccumulation of sediment-bound Zn by the freshwater amphipod Diporeia spp Song,K.H.
  54. Mar. Biol. v.74 Effects of cadmium of Pontoporeia affinis (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in laboratory soft-bottom microcosms Sundelin,B.
  55. J. Great Lakes Res. v.9 The influence of the Niagara River on contaminant burdens of Lake Ontario biota Whittle,D.M.;J.D.Fitzsimons
  56. Freshwater Invertebr. Biol. v.3 Ecology of shallow and deep water populations of Pontoporeia hoyi amphipoda in Lake Michigan Winnell,M.H.;D.S.White