CARTRI 로봇의 목표물 검출과 장애물 검출을 위한 RE-초음파 센서 시스템 개발

Development of an RF-Ultrasonic Sensor System to Detect Goal and Obstacle for the CARTRI Robot

  • 안철기 (부산대학교 메카트로닉스협동과정) ;
  • 이민철 (부산대학교 기계공학부)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


In a park or street, we can see many people Jogging or walking with their dogs chasing their masters. In the previous study, an entertainment robot, CARTRI that imitates the dog's behavior was created. The robot's task was chasing a moving goal that was recognized as the master. The physical structure of the CARTRI robot was three-wheel type locomotion system. The sensor system which could detect the position of the master in the outdoor space, was consists of a signal transmitter which was held by the master and five ultrasonic receivers which were mounted on the robot. In the experiment, the robot could chase a human walking in outdoor space like a park. But it could not avoid obstacles and its behavior was only goal-chasing behavior because of the limit of the sensor system. In this study, an improved RF-ultrasonic sensor system which can detect both goal and obstacle is developed in order to enable the CARTRI robot to carry out various behavior. The sensor system has increased angle resolution by using eight ultrasonic receivers instead of five in the previous study. And it can detect obstacle by using reflective type ultrasonic sensors. The sensor system is designed so that detection of goal and obstacle could be conducted in one sampling period. The Performance of the developed sensor system is evaluated through experiments.



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