열처리와 생장점 배양 및 항바이러스제 처리에 의한 포도 GLRaV-3의 무독화효과

Effects of Thermotherapy and Shoot Apical Meristem Culture, Antiviral Compounds for GLRaV-3 Elimination in Grapevines

  • Kim, Hyun-Ran (National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration (RDA)) ;
  • Chung, Jae-Dong (College of Agriculture, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Park, Jin-Woo (Plant Pathology Division, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA) ;
  • Choi, Yong-Mun (National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration (RDA)) ;
  • Yiem, Myoung-Soon (National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration (RDA))
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3(GLRaV-3) is one of the most severe pathogens for viral diseases found in Korea. This study was conducted to establish the virus-free stock production system for the virus disease control. The effects of thermotherapy, merestem culture and chemotheratpy to eliminate the GLRaV-3 in gratevines were tested. Thermotherapy at 37$\pm$2$^{\circ}C$ for 6∼8 weeks combined with 0.5∼1.0mm size of meristem culture method was the most effective for virus elimination. Thermotherapy alone was not effective. In chemotheratpy, DHT and Amantadine (20, 40mg/L) treatment in medium was more effective than Ribavirin to eliminate the GLRaV-3 in grapevine. However, Ribavirin spraying to potted was not available for virus elimination. Therefore, virus-free stock production system using the thermotherapy combined with shoot apical meristem culture was the most effective in grapevine.



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