기록치 오차와 유역모형의 검정(I) - 기록치 내의 측정 오차 분석 -

Errors in Recorded Information and Calibration of a Catchment Modelling System(I) - Analysis of Measurement Errors in Recorded Information -

  • Kyung Sook Choi (Sydney Water Corporation, Australia) ;
  • James E. Ball (School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW, Sydney, Australia)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


A catchment modelling system is the summation of the numerous hydrologic, hydraulic and other process models necessary to simulate the response of a catchment to a storm event. Differences between the recorded catchment response and that predicted by a catchment modelling system can arise from structural errors within the catchment modelling system, evaluation errors in the control parameters, or measurement errors in the recorded data being used to assess the reliability of the evaluation of the control parameters. Presented herein is an investigation of the potential measurement errors within the recorded information, which was considered to occur from instrument error in the ultra sonic flow monitor. This investigation was undertaken using three available rating curves at the Musgrave Avenue Stormwater System in Centennial Park, Sydney, developed by Abustan (1997), Water Board (1994), and using Manning's equation.



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