교육대학교와 교육연수원의 수학과목 분석 및 연계

An Analysis of and Connection between the Lectures Related to Mathematics Education in National Universities of Education and Education Training Institutes

  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


초등 교사의 질 향상과 전문성 확보를 위해서는 교육대학 측에서는 양성교육을, 교육연수기관 측에서는 현직교육을 상호 보완적인 관계에서 일관성을 갖고 추진되어야 할 것이며, 두 기관간에 도움이 될 수 있는 장치가 다각적 측면에서 실질적으로 마련되어야 할 것이다. 이러한 점을 감안하여, 이 연구에서는 수학 교과를 중심으로 초등 교사 양성교육기관과 현직교육기관에서의 수학과목의 연계성을 모색해 보고자 한다. 이를 위하여, 이 연구에서는 우선 교육대학교 교육과정의 수학과목과 교육연수원 자격연수와 직무연수 프로그램에서의 수학과목을 분석하고자 한다. 또, 설문 조사를 통하여 교육대학교, 자격연수 및 직무연수 담당 교육연수원에서의 수학과목에 대한 초등 교사들의 인식을 파악하고자 한다. 끝으로, 이러한 결과를 종합하여 교육대학교와 자격연수 및 직무연수 담당 교육연수원에서의 수학과목이 어떻게 연계되어 개선되어야 하는지에 관한 시사점을 제시하고자 한다.

The goals of this study are basically to analyze the lectures related to mathematics education in national universities of education and in education training institutes, and ultimately to suggest the collaboration in the lectures related to mathematics education in national universities of education and education training institutes. In order to achieve the above goals, five universities were selected. Summing up these results, we suggest several ways to collaborate the mathematics education lectures in national universities of education and education training institutes. First, the training education in the national university of education has to offer more lectures which deal with the theory related with mathematical education and the fundamental area of mathematics. In addition to this, teaching in contents in terms of the area has to focus on the background knowledge related to the teaching contents. Second, based on the training education, the assigned education training institute has to reflect the periodical and social condition. In addition to this, it has to reflect the real condition around the school environment. With those efforts it has to make new kinds of lectures which concentrate on the recent trend or the understanding of the theory related with mathematical education. In this case, both obligatory and elective courses have to be offered. Third, the education training institute responsible for the staff development program has to open lectures with the contexts of real time teaching activities based on the experiences of the teachers. In this case, one or two particular subjects have to be dealt with in depth and lecturers have to be selected who are suitable for the lectures.
