구조해석과 최적설계를 위한 웨이블렛기반 다중스케일 패러다임

  • 김윤영 (서울대학교 기계항공공학부, 멀티스케일설계 창의사업단)
  • Published : 2003.09.01




  1. Technical Report. Department of statistics, Stanford University Interpolating wavelet transforms Donoho,D.L.
  2. IEEE Trans. v.41 Multiresolution representations using the auto-correlation functions of compactly supported wavelets Beylkin,G.;Saito,N.
  3. Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing Mallat,S.A.
  4. Wavelets for Computer Graphics: Theory and Applications Stollnitz,E.J.;DeRose,T.D.;Salesin,D.H.
  5. Wavelets and Filter Banks Strang,G.;Nguyen,T.
  6. Ten Lectures on Wavelets Daubechies,I.
  7. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering v.4 Wavelet-Galerkin solutions of boundary value problems Amaratunga,K.;Williams,J.R.
  8. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis v.3 A wavelet collocation method for the munerical solution of partial differentialequations Bertoluzza,S.;Naldi,G.
  9. Multiscale Wavelet Methods for PDEs An adaptive collocation method based on interpolating wavelets Bertoluzza,S.;Dahmen,W.(ed.);Kurdila,A.J.(ed.);Oswald,P.(ed.)
  10. Computational Mechanics v.25 The numerical performance of wavelets for PDEs: the multi-scale finite element Christon,M.A.;Roach,D.W.
  11. RWTH Aachen no.165 Adaptive wavelet methods for elliptic operator equations-convergence rates Cohen,A.;Dahmen,W.;DeVore,R.
  12. SIAM J. Sci. Comp. v.21 Wavelet methods for second order elliptic problems-preconditioning and adaptivity Cohen,A.;Masson,R
  13. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics v.128 Wavelet methods for PDEs-some recent developments Dahmen,W.
  14. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. Multiscale-Galerkin method using interpolation wavelets for two-dimensional elliptic problems in general domains Jang,G.W.;Kim,J.E.;Kim,Y.Y.
  15. International Journal of Solids and Structures Adaptive multiscale wavelet-Galerkin analysis for plane elasticity problems and its applications to multiscale topology design optimization Kim,J.E.;Jang,G.W.;Kim,Y.Y.
  16. Decay characteristics of the hat interpolation wavelet coefficients in the two-dimensional multiresolution representation Kwon,K.;Kim,Y.Y.
  17. Shape and Material Optimization of Structural Topology BendsØe,M.P.
  18. Methods and Applications Topology Optimization-Theory BendsØe,M.P.;Sigmund,O.
  19. Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg. v.71 Generating optimal topologies in structural design using a homogenization method BendsØe,M.P;Kikuchi,N.
  20. Int. J. Solids and Struct v.37 Multi-resolution multi-scale topology optimization - a new paradigm Kim,Y.Y.;Yoon,G.H.
  21. Struct. Multidis. Opt. Hinge-free topology optimization with embedded translation invariant wavelet shrinkage Yoon,G.H.;Kim,Y.Y.BendsØe,M.P;Sigmund,O.
  22. Proceedings of the Japan Society of Computational Engineering and Science Multiscale Paradigm for Mechanics and Design Kim,Y.Y.
  23. Proceedings of the $2^{nd}$ China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems Shape optimization using multiscaled design velocity field Kim,J.E.;Kim,Y.Y.;Choi,K.K.
  24. Proceedings of the 9$9^{th}$ AIAA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Multicale Paradigm in genetic algorithm Kim,Y.Y.;Jung,D.H.