A Comparative Study on the Serum Lipid Levels and the Dietary Intake of Physical Education Major and Non-Major Male Students

체육전공과 체육비전공 남자대학생의 식이섭취 실태조사 및 혈청 지질 함량 비교분석

  • 최경아 (공주대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 김명희 (공주대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2003.10.01


The paper examines the effect of physical exercise on blood lipid with young male students. Our analysis is based on the body measurement, food intake and blood lipid component for 70 male students of Kongju National University who either major in physical exercise (group A) or do not major in physical exercise (group B). The average weight of group A is 71.97 $\pm$ 10.79 kg while that of group B is 67.57 $\pm$ 8.66 kg. The former is significantly higher (p<0.05) than the latter. The SBP of group A (128.20 $\pm$ 11.40 mmHg) is significantly (p<0.001) higher than that of group B (136.27 $\pm$ 13.18 mmHg). In terms of the intake of total kcal, group A marks significantly higher than group B; group A goes with 2190.26 $\pm$ 581.96 kcal and group B goes with 2392.94 $\pm$ 769.03 kcal. The comparative analysis of the three nutrient intake shows that the intake proportions for group A are carbohydrate 55.08 $\pm$ 6.03%, protein 15.58 $\pm$ 2.75%, and lipid 29.34 $\pm$ 5.16% while the intake proportions for group B are carbohydrate 57.29 $\pm$ 8.09%, protein 15.62 $\pm$ 3.26%, and lipid 27.10 $\pm$ 6.90%. For group A, the vitamin B$_1$ intake amounts to 1.50 $\pm$ 0.5 mg which fulfills 100% of RDA, and the niacin intake amounts to 16.57 $\pm$ 5.54 mg N.E which is less than RDA. In contrast, both intakes for group B are more than the RDA. In the case with minerals except calcium, both group A and B mark more intake than RDA. Group A's calcium intake is 517.12 $\pm$ 200.63 mg and group B's is 409.56 mg. The total cholesterol intake for group A is 447.00 $\pm$ 245.08 mg which is significantly (p<0.05) higher than for group B with 352.35 $\pm$ 200.25 mg. The total cholesterol in the lipid of serum is 151.30 $\pm$ 12.92 mg/dl for group A and 182.30 mg/dl for group B, where the dominance of group B over group A is true at the level of significance 0.01. In the case with triglyceride, group A is 107.57 $\pm$ 31.60 mg/dl and group B is 108.07 $\pm$ 33.93 mg/dl so that the group difference is non-significant. The HDL-cholesterol for group A is 54.67 $\pm$ 6.49 mg/dl which is significantly higher (p<0.001) than for group B with 36.13 $\pm$ 4.64 mg/dl. We conclude that regular exercise may have an effect on blood lipid metabolism among young males.



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