A Study on Landmarks and Wayfinding in fire Emergency Spaces using Virtual Reality

가상현실을 이용한 화재공간에서 길찾기와 랜드마크에 관한 연구

  • 정진우 (홍익대학교 산업디자인과)
  • Published : 2003.04.01


The goal of this study was to understand human behavior in reference to wayfinding during emergency situations. In an emergency situation, it is recommended that evacuees follow instructions about an available exit rather than finding their way on their own. Wayfinding studies suggest that landmarks affect entire route communication. Landmark analysis for this study Identified describability, e.g., name and simplicity of landmark features. A virtual reality (VR) simulation test was conducted to examine the effect of landmarks on wayfinding. The independent variables were landmarks, smoke. Results suggest that the describability of landmarks is a positive Influence to route communication. Findings from this study, however, Indicates that smoke condition did not significantly affect participants' wayfinding.



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