서울역사박물관 관람동선 개선을 위한 관람행태와 전시공간 분석에 관한 연구

A Study on the Analysis of Behavior of Appreciation and the Exhibition Space for Improvement of Visitor's Movement in Seoul Museum of History

  • 발행 : 2003.02.11


The first object of this study is to clarify the newly demanded service to the visiter in the museum. And the second is to consider the spatial configuration on the layout of exhibition and the shape of exhibition room from the view points of behavior of appreciation and other methodology. The results of this study are as follows : The exhibition content and structure of Seoul Museum of History formed by a story-line according to the theme of an each zone fixed sequence in an each exhibition that we are achieved. But the layout of exhibition and the shape of exhibition consist on the other hand of the freedom selection. So the problem appeared In the difference of the exhibition content and the layout of exhibition to the behavior of appreciation. It can be said that the concept of exhibition space should be taken into account and the spatial configuration by the completed floor plan in order to satisfy the planning concepts.



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