The importance of improving the quality of electric power is being strongly raised, owing to an increasing use of sensitive and small-sized electronic devices and systems. The transient over-voltages on low-voltage power distribution systems are induced by direct or indirect lightning return strokes. These can cause damage and/or malfunction of the utility systems for home automation, office automation, factory automation, medical automation, etc. The behaviors of lightning overvoltages transferred through the transformer to the low-voltage distribution systems using a Marx generator were experimentally investigated. Furthermore, the coupling mechanisms of lightning overvoltages transferred to the low-voltage systems were clearly illustrated through a theoretical simulation using a Pspice program. The overvoltages in low-voltage ac power systems are rarely limited by the application of the surge arrester to the primary side of the distribution transformer. A superior surge protection scheme is to install surge protection devices at the service entrance switchboard and/or at the load devices in TN power systems.