Web-based Simulation System for Multibody Systems

  • Han, Hyung-Suk (New Transportation System Group, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials (KIMM))
  • Published : 2003.11.01


A web-based dynamic simulation system, called O-DYN, for multibody systems is developed. All the interfaces of the system are accessible via web browsers, such as Netscape or Explorer. The system uses a block-diagram type O-DYN/Modeler developed in JAVA Applet as a preprocessor. The O-DYN postprocessor composed of O-DYN/Plotter and O-DYN/Animator is developed in JAVA Applet. The O-DYN/Solver for predicting the dynamic behavior is run on the web server. Anyone who wants to simulate the dynamics of multibody systems or share results data can access the analysis system over the internet regardless of their OS, platform, or location.



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