포스트 게놈시대의 생명정보 데이터베이스 연구 : Issues & Challenges

  • 박성희 (충북대학교 데이터베이스 연구실) ;
  • 류근호 (충북대학교 데이터베이스 연구실)
  • Published : 2003.10.01




  1. Nucleic Acids Research v.29 no.1 Protein Information Resource: a community resource for expert annotation of protein data W.C.Barker;J.S.Garavelli;Z.Hou;H.Huang;R.S.Ledley;P.B.McGarvey;H.W.Mewes;B.C.Orcutt;F.Pfeiffer;A.Tsugita;C.R.Vinayaka;C.Xiao;L.L.Yeh;C.Wu
  2. Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis David,W.Mount
  3. Data Management Research and Development Group Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory OPM: Object-Protocol Model Data Management Tools'97 Victor,M.Markowitz;I-Min,A.Chen;Anthony,S.Kosky;Ernest Szeto
  4. The NCBI data model. Chapter 2 in Bioinformatics : A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins, (2nd ed.) J.Ostell;Wheelan,S.J.;Kans,J.A.;A.D.;Baxevanis,A.D.(ed.);Ouellette,B.F.F.(ed.)
  5. Nucl. Acids. Res. v.29 The EMBL nucleotide sequence database G.Stoesser;W.Bader;A.V.D.Broek;E.Camon;M.Garcia-Pastor;C.Kanz;T.Kulikova;V.Lombard;R.Lopez;H.Parkinson;N.redaschi;P.Sterk;P.Stoehr;M.Ann,T.
  6. nature structural biology, structural genomics supplement Integrative database analysis in structural genomics M.Gerstein
  7. Nucl. Acids. Res. v.28 The SWISS-PROT protein sequence database and its supplement TrEMBL in 2000 A.Bairoch;R.Apweiler
  8. Nucleic Acids Research v.128 no.1 The Protein Data Bank H.M.Berman;J.W.Brook;Z.F.Gray;G.T.N.Bhat;H.Weissing;I.Shindyalov;P.E.Bourne
  9. Nucleic Acids Res. v.27 Marchler-Bauer,A.;Addess,K.J.;Chappey,C.;Geer,L.;Madej,T.;Matsuo,Y.(et al)
  10. Nucl. Acids. Res. v.27 The PROSITE database, its status in 1999 K.Hofmann;P.Bucher;L.Falquet;A.Bairoch
  11. ed: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man McKusick VA/SI Letovsky Scott,A.F.;Amberger,J.A.;Brylawski,B.
  12. Nucleic Acids Res. v.1;26 no.1 The human gene mutation database Cooper,D.N.;Ball,E.V.;Krawczak,M.
  13. Bioinformatics: Database and Systems, stanley letovsky KEGG; From Genes to Biochemical pathways M.Kanehisa
  14. Structures no.5 CATH- A hierachic classification of protein domain structures Orengo,C.A.;Michie,A.D.;Jones,D.T.;Swindells,M.S.;Thornton,J.M.
  15. Nucl. Acids. Res. v.25 DNA Data Bank of Japan in the age of information biology Y.Tateno;T.Gojobori
  16. Methods in Enzymology v.266 SRS: Information Retrieval System for Molecular Biology Data Banks Etzold,T.;Ulyanov,A.;Argos,P.
  17. Nucleic Acids Res. v.24 The FSSP database: fold classification based on structurestructure alignment of proteins Holm,L.;Sander ,C.
  18. J. Mol. Biol. no.247 SCOP: A structural classification of proteins database for the investigation of sequences and structures Murzin,A.G.;Brenner,S.E.;Hubbard,T.;Chothia,C.