이동통신 단말기용 MMIC 전력증폭기의 기술동향

  • 발행 : 2003.10.01




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  9. Joon H. Kim, Ji H. Kim, Y. S. Noh and C. S. Park, 'MMIC Power amplifier with On Chip Adaptive Predistortion Function for W-CDMA Mobile Termirials', accecptedfor IEICE Transactions on Etectronics, 2003
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  15. Ji H. Kim, Joon H. Kim, Youn S. Noh, Song G. Kim and Chul S. Park, 'PAE Improvement of PCS MM1C Power Amplifier with A Bias Control Circuit' IEICE transaction on Ekctronics, vol E86-C, 2002
  16. Y. S. Noh, Ji H. Kim, Joon H. Kim and C S. Park, 'A MIC power amplifier with on-chip bias Current controlling circuit For W-CDMA mobile handset' IEE Electronics letters, vol. 38, issue. 25, pp. 1686-1688, Dec. 2002 https://doi.org/10.1049/el:20021122
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  23. K. Y. Kim, J. H. Kim, Y. S. Noh and C. S. Park, 'Cellular/PCS Dual-Band MMIC Power Amplifier Of A Newly Devised Single-Input Single-Chain Network', accepted for IEEE GaAs IC Symposiurn technical Digest, 2003