The Financing Decision, Investment Decision, and Profitability for Fisheries Corporations

어업의 자본조달결정, 투자결정과 경영성과

  • Published : 2003.06.01


The purpose of this study is to investigate empirically interaction among the financing decision, investment decision, and profitability by using 41 fisheries corporations in Korea, and to suggest implications of the empirical results for government's financial policy for fisheries corporations. Sample period is 19 years from 1982 till 2000. This analysis method employs the two stage least squares(2SLS) estimation method. From the results of regression analysis by 2SLS estimation method, the adjusted $R^2$ values were high and the overall F values indicated significant. The empirical results of this study are as follows; (1) determinant factors of capital structure model for fisheries are profitability, firm-size, fisheries investment of total asset, and business risk. As pecking order theory explains, the higher is profitability the lower is debt ratio. The larger firm-size, the higher is debt ratio. The higher is fisheries investment of total asset and business risk, the higher is debt ratio. (2) determinant factors of investment model for fisheries are the change of sales, business risk, and debt ratio. These factors have positive relation to fisheries investment of total asset (3) determinant factors of profitability model for fisheries are fisheries investment of total asset and debt ratio. These factors have negative relation to profitability. On the basis of analysis results, on the government's financial policy for fisheries corporations, I suggests that with interest rate reduction, the government should lend more funds to solve the crisis in the financial structure of the fisheries firms
