Effects of Types and Application Levels of Swine Manure on Herbage Productivity, Improvement of Soil Fertility and Environmental Pollution in Mixed Grassland

가축분뇨의 처리형태와 시용수준이 영년초지의 생산성, 지력증진 및 환경에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2003.09.01


This study was conducted to investigate the effects of the type and application level of swine manure on herbage productivity, efficiency of nitrogen utilization and environmental pollution by the leaching of nitrogen compounds in mixed grassland. The field experiment was carried out on established grassland sward growing on silt clay loam soil. Main plots were the types of swine manure, such as swine manure fermented with sawdust(SMFWS), swine manure fermented without sawdust(SMF) and swine slurry(SS), and mineral fertilizer(Urea). Subplots were the application levels of swine manure, such as 100, 200 and 400 kgN/ha, The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. Herbage productivity, nutritive value and nitrogen yields were the highest with mineral fertilizer and followed by swine slurry(SS), and the lowest with swine manure fermented with sawdust(SMFS). As compared with dry matter(DM) yield by application of mineral fertilizer(100%), the DM percents of SMFWS, SMFS and SS were 90.6, 80,9 and 76.8%, respectively. 2. Organic matter(OM) contents of the soil were increased by the applications of swine manure. OM contents were the high set with SMFS and the lowest with mineral fertilizer. 3. The amounts of nitrate leaching by types and application levels of swine manure were the highest in the end of Aug. and early of Sep. during the seasons and ranged from 10 to 25ppm.

본 연구는 가축분뇨의 처리형태별 시용수준에 따른 목초의 생산성과 질소의 이용효율 및 질소의 용탈에 의한 환경오염에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위하여 화학비료, 톱밥발효돈분, 무톱밥발효돈분 및 액상발효돈분을 100, 200, 400kgN/ha 수준으로 시용했을 때의 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 화학비료와 분뇨의 처리형태별 목초의 생산성과 사료가치 및 N 생산량에 미치는 시용효과는 화학비료 > 액상발효돈분 > 무톱밥발효돈분 > 톱밥발효돈분의 순이었다(건물수량 : 화학 비료(100), 액상발효돈분(90.6), 무톱밥발효돈분(80.9), 톱밥발효돈분(76.8)). 2. 토양 유기물 함량에 미치는 영향은 화학비료 < 액상발효돈분 < 무톱밥발효돈분 < 톱밥발효돈분의 순이었다. 3. 가축분뇨의 처리형태나 시용수준에 따른 NO$_3$의 용탈은 시기적으로는 8월하순 9월초순에 가장 높았으며 N시용수준 400kg/ha 수준까지에서도 서로간에 차이는 매우 적었고 NO$_3$함량도 결코 25ppm을 초과하지 않았다.



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