보육환경의 방향제시를 위한 야간 보육시설에 대한 실태조사

A Study on the Physical Environment in 24 Hours Child Care Centers

  • 발행 : 2003.10.01


This project, conducted in Korea, sought to investigate the physical environment of 24 hurs child care centers in order to suggest desirable perspective on it. For this study, documentary research, interviews and survey methods were used. Materials of the 24 hurs child care center were reviewed. The interviews and survey were conducted in 25 public and private centers in Seoul, Busan, Ulsan and Jinju. Caregivers were surveyed children's daily living and regarding the evaluation of physical environment of kitchen, bathroom and restroom of the center. The result of the documentary review indicates that there need to be increased the number of the 24 hr child care centers with quality. Mostly, caregivers were satisfied with the physical indoor environment of the center. However, they wanted the sleeping room and bathroom with bathtub for 24 hurs caring children. This result would be helpful to create useful database for planning the 24 hrs child care center.



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  6. 보건복지통계 보건복지부
  7. 보육시설의 설치 야간 및 24시간 보육시설 인터넷
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  9. 중앙대학교 사회개방대학원 석사학위논문 야간 및 24시간 보육사업의 개선방안에 관한연구 조숙경
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  13. 대한건축학회논문집 계획계 v.16 no.12 어린이집 건축계획 기준을 위한 기초 연구 최경숙;배시화;강미선;주서령
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