통합 프로세스 관리: 비즈니스 프로세스 관리를 위한 새로운 패러다임

  • 발행 : 2003.10.01




  1. Specification Business Process Execution Language for Web Services Version 1.1 Andrews T.(et al.)
  2. Web Service Choreography Interface 1.0 Arkin A.(et al.)
  3. Jurnal of Computer Security v.8 no.Issue 2/3 A Petri Net based Safety Analysis of Workflow Authorization Models Atluri V.;Huang W.
  4. Computer in Industry v.50 no.Issue. 1 An XML-based Process Definition Language for Integrated Process Management Choi Injun;Minseok Song;Chulsoon Park;Namkyu Park
  5. Sloan Management Review v.31 no.4 The New Industrial Engineering: Information Technology and Business Process Redesign Davenport TH;Short JE
  6. Harvard Business Review Reengineering Work: Don't Automate, Obliterate Hammer;Michael
  7. Workflow management coalition specification: the workflow reference model Hollingsworth D.
  8. White paper The Process-Managed Enterprise Intalio. Inc.
  9. The Knowledge Engineering Review v.13 no.1 A Modeling Interorganizational Workflow with XML Nets, Proceedings of Hawaii Inter Working Group., The PIF Process Interchange Format and Framework Version 1.2 Lee J.;Grunninger M.;Jin Y.;Malone T.;Tate A.;Yost G;other members of the PIF Oberweis
  10. National Conferences on System Science Lenz K.
  11. Business Processes in a Web Services World-A Quick Review of BPEL4WS Leymann F.;D. Roller
  12. Proceedings of the Markup Technologies `99 Conference Process Representation Using Architectural Forms: Accentuating the Positive, Lubell J.;Schlenoff C.
  13. The Report on Enterprise Application E-Business Process Management Mitchell, P.
  14. Proceedings of the Euro-Med Net '98 Conference What Workflow Technology Can Do For Electronic Commerce Muth P.; Weissenfels J.;Weikum G.
  15. The Evolution of Business Processes-From Description to Data to Smart Executable Code Neal D.;H. Smith;D. Butler
  16. NISTIR 6459 The Process Specification Language(PSL) Overview and Version 1.0 Specification Schlenoff C.;Gruninger M.;Tissot F.;Valois J.;Lubell J.;Lee J.
  17. The Third Wave The Business Process Management Smith H.;P. Fingar
  18. The Emergence of Business Process Management Smith H.;Douglas Neal;Lynette Ferrara;Francis Hayden
  19. WfMC Standards, WFMC-TC-1016-P Process Definition Interchange Process Model WfMC, Interface1
  20. WfMC Standards, WFMC-TC-1023 Interoperability Wf-XML Binding WfMC
  21. WfMC Standards, WFMC-TC-1025 Workflow Process Definition Interface-XML Process Definition Language(XPDL) WfMC
  22. International Conference on Business Process Management(BPM 2003) Business Process Management: A Survey van der Aslst;W.M.P.;A.H.M. ter Hofstede;M. Weske
  23. University of Colorado and University of Eindhoven report XML Based Schema Definition for Support of Inter-organizational Workflow van der Aslst;W.M.P.;Kumar A.
  24. Proceedings of the 6th Informs Conference on Information Systems and Technology(CIST-2001) XRL/Woflan: Verification of an XML/Petri-net based language for interorganizational workflow van der Aslst;W.M.P.;Kumar A.;Verbeek;H.M.W.
  25. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on CSCW in Design Verification of XRL: An XML-based Workflow Language van der Aslst;W.M.P.;Verbeek;H.M.W.;Kumar A