비즈니스 인텔리전스(Business Intelligence) 개괄

  • 발행 : 2003.10.01




  1. 지식경영 노나카 이쿠지로;곤노 노보루
  2. 데이타베이스 마케팅 박찬욱
  3. OLAP 테크놀로지 조재희;박성진
  4. Building Data Mining Application for CRM Berson. A;Smith S.;Thearling K.
  5. Working Knowledge Davenport. T.;Prusak L.
  6. The Art and Science of Business Intelligence Analysis Gilad B.;Herring J. P.
  7. Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence for E-Commerce Simon, A.;Shaffer, S.
  8. Harvard Business Review Customer Intimacy and Other Value Disciplines Treacy, M.;Wiersema, Fred.