대기오염 입자의 인체 호흡기내 비대칭 국부침전 특성에 관한 연구

Study on the Asymmetric Regional Deposition of Airborne Pollutant Particles in the Human Respiratory Tract

  • 구재학 (우석대학교 환경공학과) ;
  • 김종숭 (미국 환경보호국 국립보건환경연구소)
  • 발행 : 2003.10.01


Particle deposition in human lungs was investigated theoretically by using asymmetric five-lobe lung model. The volumes of each of the five lobes were different, thereby forming an asymmetric lung structure. The tidal volume and flow rate of each lobe were scaled according to lobar volume. The total and regional deposition with various breathing patterns were calculated by means of tracking volume segments and accounting for particle loss during inhalation and exhalation. The deposition fractions were obtained for each airway generation and lung lobe, and dominant deposition mechanisms were investigated for different size particles. Results show that the tidal volume and flow rate have a characteristic influence on particle deposition. The total deposition fraction increases with an increase in tidal volume for all particle sizes. However, flow rate has dichotomous effects: a higher flow rate results in a sharp increase in deposition for large size particles, but decreases deposition for small size particles. Deposition distribution within the lung shifts proximally with higher flow rate whereas deposition peak shifts to the deeper lung region with larger tidal volume. Deposition fraction in each lobe was proportional to its volume. Among the three main deposition mechanisms, diffusion was dominant for particles < 0.5 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ whereas sedimentation and impaction were most influential for larger size particles. Impaction was particularly dominant for particles> 8 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$. The results may prove to be useful for estimating deposition dose of inhaled pollutant particles at various breathing conditions.



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