- J. Coll Dairying v.7 A case of bovine thoracopagus Abe,M.;Hiraga,T.;Iwasa,K.
- Veterinary reproduction and obsterics(theriogenology)(5th ed.) Arthur,G.H.;De Noakes;Pearson,H.
- Vet Rec v.15 no.5 Conjoined twins-The veterinary aspect Arthur,G.H.
- J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc v.204 Congenital maldevelopment of the tibia in two calves Baird,A.N.;Wolfe,D.F.;Bartels,J.E.;Carson,R.L.
- J. Vet Med. Sci. v.53 no.6 Anatomical findings of apodia in a calf Hiraga,T.;Abe,M.;Iwasa,K.;Takehana,K.
- Vet Pathol v.37 no.5 Tibial hemimelia, meningocele, and abdominal hernia in Shorthorn cattle Lapointe,J.M.;Lachance,S.;Steffen,D.J.
- Adv. Vet. Sci. Comp. Med. v.27 Bovine congenital defect Leipold,H.W.;Huston,K.;Dennis,S.M.
- Am. J. Med. Genet v.116 no.1 Humeroradial synostosis, ulnar aplasia and oligodactyly, with contralateral amelia, in a child with prenatal cocaine exposure Marles,S.L.;Reed,M.;Evans,J.A.
- The embryology of domestic animals(1st ed.) Noden,D.W.;De Lahunta,A.
- J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc v.15 no.165 Tibial hemimelia in Galloway calves Ojo,S.A.;Guffy,M.M.;Saperstein,G.;Leipold,H.W.
- Vet Rec. v.24 no.104 Pregnancy termination in the control of the tibial hemimelia syndrome in Galloway cattle Pollock,D.L.;Fitzsimons,J.;Deas,W.D.;Fraser,J.A.
- Vet Rec. v.110 no.18 Tibial hemimelia in a Bunaji calf Salako,M.A.;Abdullahi,U.S.
- Jpn. J. Vet. Sci. v.43 Ulnar dimelia in a calf Ueshima,T.;Uehara,M.
- 경상대학교 축산진흥연구소보 v.17 닭의 선천성 결함Ⅰ.2개의 여분의 후지가 둔부에 부착된 다지기형 김종섭;허찬권;이병오
- 대한수의학회지 v.33 no.1 한우송아지의 흉부에 여분의 전지가 부착된 다지기형 김종섭;허찬권;정현식;김진구
- 대한수의학회지 v.15 no.5 한우에 발생한 기형성위지의 1예 서두석;박진열;권남석
- 酪農學園 大學紀要 自然科學編 v.12 no.1 過去11年間 北海道で觀察されたウシの先天性異常に關する形態學的硏究 平賀武父;阿部光雄;岩佐憲二(等)