Effect of Calcium Sulfate and Sodium Hyaluronate on Early Bone Consolidation in Distraction Osteogenesis of the Canine Mandible

개의 하악골에서 신생골 조기 골경화에 Calcium Sulfate와 Sodium Hyaluronate가 미치는 영향

  • 이주명 (제주대학교 수의학과) ;
  • 조병채 (경북대학교 의과대학 성형외과학교실)
  • Published : 2003.09.01


The aim of this experiment was to study the calcium sulfate on early bone consolidation in distraction osteogenesis in the canine mandible. Twelve dogs were used and divided into control group (group A, 4 heads), sodium hyaluronate injection group (group B, 4 heads), mixture of calcium sulfate and sodium hyaluronate injection group (group C, 4 heads). Each group were subdivided into 3 weeks testing group (totally 6 heads) and 5 weeks testing group (totally 6 heads). Mandibular distraction was started at the 5th day after the mandibular osteotomy and continued for 10 days by 1 mm a day. After the distraction on the 10th day of mandibular distraction, 0.5 m1 saline in group A, 0.5 m1 sodium hyaluronate in group B, and 0.5 ml mixture of calcium sulfate and sodium hyaluronate in group C were each injected in mandibular distraction lesion. And X-ray examination, bone mineral density, and histopathological findings were examined. The radiological findings were the most radiopaque in group C, and the most radiolucent in group A in both 3 and 5 week testing group. The level of bone mineral density was also the highest in group C, and the lowest in group C in both 3 and 5 week testing group. The histopathological findings of new bone formation were the most remarkable in group C in both 3 and 5 week testing group. New bone formation of group A was not present in both 3 and 5 week testing group. In conclusion, calcium sulfate is a kind of material that can stimulate early bone formation and can shorten the duration of bone consolidation. And it can be effective in clinical usage.



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