인터넷상거래 이용자/비이용자의 소비자문제 심각성지각 연구 - 대학생소비자를 중심으로 -

A Study on the Perceived Seriousness of the Consumer Problem between E-commerce Users and Non-Users - Focused on University Consumers -

  • 류미현 (건국대학교 생활과학과) ;
  • 이승신 (건국대학교 소비자·주거학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.08.01


This study was intended to present the plan for preventing and solving the seriousness of the consumer problem perceived in the e-commerce. For this purpose, 723 questionnaires were distributed to university As a result of analysis, the following findings were obtained: 1) It was found that e-commerce users had higher knowledge of the degree of internet un, the ability to use information on the internet, the disposition of computerization, and e-commerce related consumer than e-commerce non-users. 2) It was found that e-commerce non-users had the higher level of perceived seriousness of the consumer problem than e-commerce users. Especially, it was found that e-commerce non-users had the high level of perceived seriousness of the consumer problem related to the problem of exchange, termination and after-sale nice and the leakage of exchange, termination and after-sale service and the leakage of private information e-commerce user. 3) It was found that university consumers' perceived seriousness of the consumer problem in e-commerce over the internet showed a significant difference in the ability to use information on the internet between e-commerce users and non-users.



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