청소년의 개인변인과 청소년이 지각한 가족변인이 문제행동에 미치는 영향

The Effects of the Individual and Family Relational Variables Perceived by Adolescents on Adolescents' Problem Behaviors

  • 고정자 (동아대학교 가정관리학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.07.01


The purpose of this study was to show general trends in the psychological environment of family and problem behaviors perceived by adolescents and examine possible changes in such trends in accordance with the individual variables of adolescent, and then find out the effect of these variables on adolescents' problem behavior. The subject were 1374 adolescents of middle school in Busan(male 698, female 676). The main results were as follows : (1) General trends in the degree of parental monitoring showed that girls had more high than boys, and in the degree of family discord, boys showed more high than girls. In the degree of openness of parent-adolescent communication perceived by adolescents showed that girls had more open communication with mother than boys. Such trends in problem behaviors indicated that adolescents had the attention problem most. According to gender, girls had more problems in withdrawal, somatic complain, anxiety/depression, thought problems, attention problems, destructivity/identity, internalizing problems, total behavior problems in comparison to boys. Boys did delinquent behaviors more than girls. (2) For boys, the monthly income of their family, family discord, and the mother-adolescent communication have a significant direct effect on internalizing problems, externalizing problems and total behavior problems. Besides mother's employment and the type of family have a significant indirect effect on behavior problem. For girls, mother's employment, parental monitoring, family discord, and father-adolescent communication have a significant direct effect on internalizing problems. Mother's employment, family discord, mother-adolescent communication have a significant indirect effect on externalizing problems and total behavior problems. Bisides mother's employment, grade, the type of family, dating have a significant indirect effect on behavior problem. (3) The variables to have a significant influence on the parental monitoring showed as the monthly income of their family, dating, mother's employment, the type of family, the family discord showed as mother's employment on the parent-adolescent communication showed as the type of family. (4) Family discord was the most powerful predicator of problem behaviors of middle school students.



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