시설보호 유아를 위한 사회적 유능감 향상 프로그램 개발 및 효과 검증

Development ana Evaluation of Social Competence Enrichment Program for Institutionalized Children in Early Childhood

  • 발행 : 2003.05.01


The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate a social competence enrichment program for institutionalized children in early childhood. The program was developed to enhance institutionalized children's social competence. The program consists of sixteen 30-minute sessions. 19 institutionalized children (11 boys and 8 girls) participated in this program. The effect of this program was evaluated by institutionalized preschool children's emotional knowledge and interpersonal problem solving strategy. Assessment of emotional knowledge consists of identification and situation task. Interpersonal problem solving strategy includes forceful, prosocial, and manipulative strategy. Results showed that there was a significant experimental effect for emotional knowledge. Experimental children showed higher scores of emotional knowledge than control children. Also, there was a significant experimental effect for prosocial and forceful strategy. Experimental children showed higher ratio of prosocial strategy and lower ratio of forceful strategy than control children. The results of program evaluation revealed that this program was helpful for promoting institutionalized children's social competence.



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