주류에 대한 도시가계의 구매결정과 지출결정요인

Urban Households' Purchase and Expenditure Decision Factors of Alcoholic Beverages

  • 허은정 (서울대학교 소비자학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.05.01


This study examined the determinants of urban households' expenditures on alcoholic beverages, using double-hurdle models to distinguish between the decision to purchase (purchase decision) and the decision of how much to consume (expenditure decision). Data for this study were drawn from the 2000 Korean Household Income and Expenditure Survey. Households were likely to purchase alcoholic beverages with increasing of household income, tobacco expenditures, and household size. The age, sex, marital status, occupation, education level, type of house ownership, residing city were significantly related to the purchase decisions. Among those households which drink, as household income and tobacco expenditures increase, the age, sex (male), marital status (married), and education level of a household-head, house ownership, residing city (Seoul) were positively related to and the presence of young children were negatively related to the expenditure level of alcoholic beverages.



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