기능손상노인의 우울감과 가족지지, 공적지지 간의 관계

A Study of the Relationship among Family Support, Public Support and the Depression of the Functional Disabled Elderly

  • 이신숙 (순천대학교 소비자·가족아동학과) ;
  • 차용은 (전주대학교 가정교육과)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


The number of the functionally disabled elderly has been increasing in Korea and their families should have been in charge of supporting and taking care of them. This study was designed to grope for devices which were helpful to improve the psychological welfare of the functionally disabled elderly in the present situation. The results of this study were as follows: First, considering the level of psychological welfare of the functionally disabled elderly, the depression degree of the subjects was 52.9 which was higher than the middle point, 50. And the degree of family support the functionally disabled elderly were aware of, it also was high ; the score was 34.6 compared to the middle point, 33. On the other hand, the degree of public support that the functionally disabled elderly received was 2.01 which was lower than the middle point, 4.5. Second, the level of the depression of the functionally disabled elderly followed by background variables, the degree of agreement with family support, and public support represented significant differences among group according to religion, the type of previous occupation, the ownership of house, the type of residence, the presence of spouse, education level, and the source of income. Third, the relative influence toward the depression of the functionally disabled elderly was shown in the order of importance as follows: family support, the degree of functional disability, the ownership of house, public support, the presence of spouse, the source of income, the number of daughters, the degree of functional disablity.



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