행위목표로서의 가치와 착장행동 -행위이론의 응용-

The value and the clothing behavior as the goal of action - Application of the theory of action -

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


So many patterns of the clothing give the specific indication for one's clothing behavior and present the common style for the society. Human being gives the one's free expression and attempts to change the existing cultural environment by the clothing even though human being would be restricted in choosing the clothing within the category of the society & the culture. The value of human being which attempts to escape the restriction through the behavior theory of T. Parsons is analysed and studied. The role of the modern society is being transformed and human being attempts to express one's self through the clothing very strongly. The clothing behavior means the expression of oneself for others. This phenomenon comes from the changing of human being's view of value through the social & cultural environment which give human being the freedom of the individual to choose the various clothing.
