인터넷상에서 콘텐츠의 지적재산권 보호에 관한 연구

A Study on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights of Contents upon Internet

  • 장병윤 (대한상사중재원, ㈜에프플래닛)
  • 발행 : 2003.02.01


This is to study intellectual property(IP) protection of contents which is related with transactions upon internet network. Issues of electronic transaction and infringement cases were studied and analyzed for intellectual property protection. Upon those study, utilization and activation of contents, dispute settlement and method of IP protection were suggested. To achieve this study purpose, it consists of 5 chapters. In chapter 1 introduction, it's mentioned purpose, scope, and method of this study. In chapter 2, outline of contents and e-Commerce, and subject of IP protection upon internet were studied. In chapter 3, issues and dispute factors of IP were discussed and infringement cases were analyzed. It found out that infringements would be variety and complex due to technology rapidly changes. In chapter 4, IP protection plan and responsibility of webmaster were studied and emphasized to protect IP upon Internet. Also, protection against infringement and method of dispute resolution were studied and suggested the method. In this study, the protection plan was suggested because IP protection of contents in internet would be many cases upon internet technology. It found out that technology was important for business expansion of contents, e-Commerce and IP protection, and to enact a law related with IP. In chapter 5 conclusion, this study was summarized and further research was suggested. This study results are 1. IP related laws had better enact or revise to meet internet technology changes for IP protection timely, 2. local laws are to change and develop to harmony with international norm and trends, 3. consolidation of IP related laws for unification of IP statement should be incurred to avoid unnecessary energy of legislation and not to create dispute matters. That's also for customer satisfaction. In conclusion, not to incur ADR and for IP protection of contents, IP related laws would be promptly made or revised, according to technology change trends and for international harmony, That's for internet related industry development and customer satisfaction.
