동적 형상조정 프레임워크의 모델링 및 구현

Modeling and Implementation of A Dynamic Reconfiguration Framework

  • 윤태웅 (건국대학교 컴퓨터.정보통신공학과) ;
  • 민덕기 (건국대학교 컴퓨터.정보통신공학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


For 24 hours-7 days service on distributed systems, a great deal of efforts are investigated on high availability for seamless operation. In this paper, we propose a dynamic reconfiguration framework of distributed systems, called "hot-swapping" framework. This framework allows us to upgrade and exchange a number of modules of a distributed system without stopping running service as well as the system itself. In order to hide the state of service operation, the framework employes the "proxy" design pattern. Our framework provides two types of proxies: a static proxy and a dynamic proxy, Static proxies can achieve fast execution time, but they need to be changed whenever any minor change exists in the related swappable module. Meanwhile, dynamic proxies takes longer execution time, but do not need to be changed under minor changes of swappable modules. We compare performances of static and dynamic proxies and also apply the framework to a real situation with security management modules. management modules.



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  2. Proc. of the Seventh IEIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management Dynamic Evolution of Network Management Software by Software Hot-Swapping Feng.N;Gang.A;White.T;Pagued.B
  3. M.Eng Software Hot-swapping Techniques for Upgrading Mission Critical Applications on the Fly Ao.G
  4. Sixth International Workshop on Component-Oiented Programming The Swap Box: A Test Container and a Framewok for Hot-wappable Java Beans L.Tan;B.Esfandiari;B.Pagurek
  5. Technical Report SCE-99-04, Systems and Computer Engineering S-Module Design for Software Hot swapping Technology Ning.F
  6. Technical Report SCE-98-11, systems and Computer Engineering Sotware Hot Swapping Techniques Gang.A
  7. The JavaTM Virtual Machine Specification Tim,Lindholm;Frank,Yellin
  8. Use Dynamic messaging in java Alex,Blewitt
  9. Explore the Dynamic Proxy API Jeemy Blosser
  10. Take an in-depth look at the java Reflection API Chuck ,McManis
  11. wiley computer publishing Patterns in Java Volume 1: A Catalog of Reuseable Design Parerns Illustrated with UML Mark,Grand
  12. Manning computer publishing Distributed Programming with JAVA OUSAY,H.Mahmoud
  13. Concurent Programming In Java, Second Edition: Design Principles and Patterns Douglas,Lea
  14. Proceeding of the 3rd USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and System Service Configuratior Pattern for Dynamic Configruation of Service Prashan,Jain;dougles,C.Schmidt