국내 소프트웨어 개발사업에 적합한 기능점수규모 예측방법에 관한 연구

A Study on Estimating Function Point Count of Domestic Software Development Projects

  • 박찬규 (한국전산원 정보기술감리팀) ;
  • 신수정 (한국전산원 정보기술감리팀) ;
  • 이현옥 (한국전산원 정보기술감리팀)
  • 발행 : 2003.11.01


Function point model is the international standard method to measure the software size which is one of the most important factors to determine the software development cost. Function point model can successfully be applied only when the detailed specification of users' requirements is available. In the domestic public sector, however, the budgeting for software projects is carried out before the requirements of softwares ere specified in detail. Therefore, an efficient function point estimation method is required to apply function point model at the early stage of software development projects. The purpose of this paper is to compare various function point estimation methods and analyse their accuracies in domestic software projects. We consider four methods : NESMA model, ISBSG model, the simplified function point model and the backfiring method. The methods are applied to about one hundred of domestic projects, and their estimation errors are compared. The results can used as a criterion to select an adequate estimation model for function point counts.
