투석전 만성신부전 환자의 영양상태 평가 및 식습관 조사

Assessment of Nutritional Status and Survey of Dietary Habits in Predialysis Patients of Chronic Renal Failure

  • 노숙령 (중앙대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 최윤정 (중앙대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.10.01


The purpose of this study was to analyze the nutritional status and dietary habits in predialysis patients of chronic renal failure(CRF). The patients group was composed of total 35 persons with chronic renal failure(diabetes exclusion), male 20, female 15 who were treated in the kidney internal department and the control group also composed of 35 persons, male 18, female 17 who were classified as normal by the medical examination. Their dietary habits, nutritional status and nutritional knowledge were investigated from two general hospitals in Inchon, middle of this year 2002. There were 31.4% of low weight patients (BMI below 20), 77.1% of anemia patients (serum hemoglobin below 12g/㎗), 6S.6% of hypertension patients with diastolic blood pressure over 90mmHg, 80% with systolic blood pressure over 140mmHg, 20% of hypercholesterolemia patients (serum cholesterol over 230mg/㎗), and 22.9% of hyperlipemia patients (serum triglyceride over 200mg/㎗). The cardiovascular disease seemed to be caused by the abnormality of lipid metabolism. The possibility of the bone disease was shown from patients of hyperphosphatemia (serum phosphorus over 4.7mg/㎗, 22.9%) and hypocalcemia (serum calcium below 8.4mg/㎗, 25.7%). Intake of insufficient calories which was caused by the lack of appetite affected on the nutritional status. The intake of most nutrients was not significantly different from the RDA for Koreans. Consequently, the patient groups took a lot of salt even after the diagnosis of CRF. But patients ate 6.lg of salt which were more than the recommended amount 2∼4g for patients with CRF. The patient groups, who had the experiences of nutritional counselling, had significantly higher nutritional knowledge related to CRF than control group. Unfortunately, patients could not have enough chances for nutritional counselling by the nutritionist even though they needed the nutritional informations and dietetic treatments. The continuous research is expected with regard to the detail plan for the improvement of nutritional support and the nutritional counselling because it is important to decide the requirements of nutrients for patients with kidney disease, considering the kidney function and status of nutrition.



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