21 세기 로맨티시즘, 걸리쉬 패션

A Study on the Girlish Fashion as a Romanticism of the 21st Century

  • 이효진 (전북대학교 생활과학대학 의류학전공)
  • 발행 : 2003.11.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate girlish fashion as a contemporary as well as Romanticism of the 21st century. The background of girlish fashion is regarded as a hot blast of restoration and a appearance of kidults, such characteristics of these factors, that is, the moderns's longing for the memory of old days and kidult's concerns for the dream of their childhood, have a direct influence on the Romanticism. So the plasticity of girlish fashion was analyzed as a results: 1) This plasticity named Recurrent Romanticism as 21st New Look, especially the plasticity represented in a princess style fashion. The princess style fashion of girlish fashion means not only a expression of the moderns's self-confidence but also nostalgia toward old days. 2) Sweet Romanticism developed into angel style fashion, which the style expressed the moderate cuteness with clothing construction and detail etc and the innocence with white color. 3) The plasticity of girlish fashion called a feast of color named Fantastic Romanticism. Fantastic Romanticism of girlish fashion means not only a expression of a lovely girlie's image but also hope toward 21st century. Throughout the study, Romanticism as a cultural code of 21st century was considered to reflected in the whole livelihood as well as contemporary fashion, especially, girlish fashion.



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