정보공간구조의 형성과 물ㆍ인적 자원재편에 관한 고찰

A Study on the Reorganization of Material and Labour in the Information Space Structure

  • 발행 : 2003.04.01


Many studies have regarded an information infrastructure as one of the crucial factors for national or regional innovation in the information society, but few studies have empirically tested the role and the effects of it. Also, the information society have been studied to what extent, but information space structure and the reorganization for the resource of the material and the labour have not been considered. Therefore, this study is examining the relation between the linkage structure and the information change in the manufacturing sector. And for the empirical analyses, regional labour data for 16 Metropolitan Areas(Si) and Provinces(Do) in 1991-1996 are used. An analytical model and hypotheses are proposed for empirical testing. The main finding is that if inter-regional wages condition is identical, inter-regional labour flow has positive correlations with regional information level.



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