GMT 평판의 볼트조인트 강도 평가

Estimation of Bolted Joint Strength of Flat Plate of Glass-Mat Reinforced Thermoplastics

  • 발행 : 2003.10.01


In this study, bolted joint made of Glass-Mat Reinforced Thermoplastics (GMT) specimen was under tensile loading to investigate the relation between joint strength and glass-fiber weight fraction of the flat plate specimen. The effect of molding conditions such as the initial size of a GMT charge and molding temperatures was investigated under plane strain condition. In consideration of the specimen geometry, minimum end distance and width of the specimen to induce the bearing fracture mode of the bolted joint were determined. And finally, the effect of the outer diameter of washer and clamping pressure on joint strength was also investigated. Since joint strength is dependent on the local glass-fiber weight fraction, experimentally measured strength was modified, considering its irregular values of the specimen molded under various processing conditions in order to obtain a reasonable correlation between the two.



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