메타데이터 통합 방안

Integration of Different Metadata Formats

  • 심경 (한국과학기술정보연구원)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


메타데이터 개념에 관한 혼란을 살펴보고 개념 변화의 이유에 대하여 알아보았다. 이종 메타데이터 포맷에 관하여 새로운 포맷의 생성 이유, 그들의 특징, 특히 MARC 포맷과 관련하여, 그리고 이들의 변환 및 통합 방법과 문제점을 배경연구로 조사하였다. 이종 메타데이터의 통합 틀로서 RDF와 메타데이터 레지스트리를 조사하고 비교하였다. 이 두 방법은 서로 경쟁적인 접근방식이 아닌 상호보완적인 관계를 가진다고 결론 내렸다.

Semantic quirks about the concept of metadata are briefly probed. The reasons behind the conceptual drift are also reviewed. Regarding different formats of metadata, the rationale behind the creation of new formats, their characteristics in relation to MARC format, and problems and methods of conversion or integration of metadata are investigated as background study. RDF (Resource Description Framework) as an integration tool for different metadata standards and Metadata Registry as a candidate for the purpose are studied and the both are compared. It is concluded that two approaches are not mutually exclusive, rather they are complimentary.



  1. 박사학위논문, 연세대학교 대학원 문헌정보학과 RDF를 이용한 메타데이터 통합에 관한 연구 김이겸
  2. 석사학위논문, 연세대학교 대학원 문헌정보학과 온톨로지의 의미정보를 이용한 RDF 스키마 생성에 관한 연구 김이란
  3. 정보관리연구 v.30 네트워크자원과 메타데이터 김태수
  4. 메타데이터를 이용한 도서종합목록 구축에 관한 연구 김태수;김이겸
  5. 디지털 정보표현을 위한 메타데이터 표준개발에 관한 연구 김태수;김이겸
  6. 메타데이터의 형식과 구조 문헌정보처리연구회
  7. 최종연구보고서: 메타데이터 레지스트리, 데이터 요소 및 디지털 도서관 포준화 연구 백두권 (외)
  8. Metadata: an overview Cathro, W.
  9. D-Library Magazine v.6 no.1 Mapping and converting essential Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata into MARC21 and Dublin Core: towards an alternative to the FGDC clearinghouse Chanldler, A.;Foley, D.;Hafez, A.M.
  10. Report on the testing and analysis of an investigation into the comparative efficiency of indexing systems Cleverdon, C.W.
  11. Metadata in a nutshell Day, M.
  12. DCMI Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) : was Dublin Core metadata designed to be used only to described digital and Web-based resources? DCMI
  13. Journal of Documentation v.54 no.2 Metadata: a current view of practice and issues Dempsey, L.;Heery, R. https://doi.org/10.1108/EUM0000000007164
  14. Museum information standards Diffuse
  15. Encoded archival description : context, theory, and case studies Dooley, J. M. (Ed.)
  16. D-Lib Magazine v.8 no.4 Metadata principles and practicalities Duval, E. (et al.)
  17. A metadata registry for the semantic web Heery, R.;Wagner, H.
  18. D-Lib Magazine v.8 no.5 CORC- Cooperative Online Resource Catalog Hickey, T.
  19. Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing FOLDOC
  20. Cataloging and Classification Quarterly v.32 no.1 XML and MARC : which in "right"? Johnson, B. C.
  21. Expressing qualified Dublin Core in RDF/XML Kokkkelink, S.;Schwanzl, R.
  22. Dublin Core/MARC/GILS crosswalk Library of Congress
  23. MARC to Dublin Core crosswalk Library of Congress
  24. The nature of the NIDR challenge. (CNI White Paper): Chapter 1 Lynch, C.(et al.)
  25. Extending MARC for bibliographic control in the web environment: challenges and alternatives McCallum, S.
  26. Encoded archival description: the development of an encoding standard for archival finding aids;Encoded archival description: context, theory, and case studies Pitti, D. V.;J. M. Dooley (ed.)
  27. Data Warehousing Dictionary SAS
  28. Metadata: the missing link Sherman, R. P.
  29. EAD application guidelines for (version 1.0) : EAD crosswalks Society of American Archivists
  30. Metadata education : what is metadata? Spatial Data & Visualization Center(SDVC), U. of Wyoming
  31. Information retrieval experiment The Cranfield test Sparck Jones, K.;K. Sparck Jones(ed.)
  32. Issues in crosswaling content metadata standards St. Pierre, M.;LaPlant, W. P., JR.
  33. Library Journal Net Connect no.Summer XML : libraries' strategic opportunity Miller, D. R.
  34. TEI guidelines for electronic text encoding and interchange : historical background. [n.d.]
  35. A review of metadata : a survey of current resource description formats UKOLN Metadata Group
  36. RDF Primer W3C RDF Core Working Group
  37. DCMI Open Metadata Registry purpose and scope : phase 1 Wagner, H.;Heery, R.
  38. D-Lib Magazine Metadata : the foundations of resource description Weibel, S.
  39. The 4th Dublin Core Metadata Workshop Report : DC-4 Weibel, S.;Iannella, R.;Cathro, W.