Implementation of Node Transition Probability based Routing Algorithm for MANET and Performance Analysis using Different Mobility Models

  • Published : 2003.09.01


The central challenge in the design of ad-hoc networks is the development of dynamic routing protocol that efficiently finds route between mobile nodes. Several routing protocols such as DSR, AODV and DSDV have been proposed in the literature to facilitate communication in such dynamically changing network topology. In this paper, a Node Transition Probability (NTP) based routing algorithm, which determines stable routes using the received power from all other neighboring nodes is proposed. NTP based routing algorithm is designed and implemented using Global Mobile Simulator (GloMoSim), a scalable network simulator. The performance of this routing algorithm is studied for various mobility models and throughput, control overhead, average end-to-end delay, and percentage of packet dropped are compared with the existing routing protocols. This algorithm shows acceptable performance under all mobility conditions. The results show that this algorithm maximizes the bandwidth utilization during heavy traffic with lesser overhead.



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