캐모마일, 세이지, 녹차 건분의 섭취가 노령흰쥐의 항산화능에 미치는 영향

Effect of Dried Powders of Chamomile, Sage, and Green Tea on Antioxidative Capacity in 15-Month-Old Rats

  • 정세원 (이화여자대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 김미경 (이화여자대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


This study was performed to investigate the effect of chamomile, sage, and green tea intakes on anti oxidative capacity in 15-month-old rats. Dried powders of three plants were analyzed to determine the amount of total flavonoids, $\beta$-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and dietary fibers. In order to examine the change of antioxidative capacity in old rats, forty-eight Sprague-Dawley male rats weighing 621.2$\pm$9.5 g were divided into four groups according to body weight and fed for four weeks with each experimental diet of three dried powders and control diet. Plasma and liver thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) levels and xanthine oxidase (XO) activities, erythrocyte and liver superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities and plasma vitamin A, C, E, and total carotenoids levels were measured. The total flavonoids and vitamin C contents were the highest in green tea powder. Beta-carotene and vitamin E contents were not significantly different among all three dried powders. Total dietary fiber contents also were not different among all three dried powders, but soluble dietary fiber contents of chamomile was higher than other two dried powders. Plasma TBARS level was found to be significantly lower in all the experimental groups as compared to control group. Chamomile powder group, especially, showed the lowest level among all experimental groups. Liver TBARS levels of experimental groups were also lower than that of control group and significant differences were observed in chamomile and green tea groups compared to control. Plasma XO activity of green tea group was significantly lower than control group. Liver XO activities of green tea and chamomile groups were significantly lower than control group. Erythrocyte SOD activity was not significantly different among all the groups. However, liver SOD activities of sage and green tea groups showed a significant increase as compared to control group. Plasma vitamin A level was not significantly different among all the groups. Plasma total carotenoids levels were found to be significantly higher in experimental groups as compared to control group. Plasma vitamin E level of chamomile group and vitamin C level of green tea group showed the highest level among all the groups. In conclusion, chamomile, sage, and green tea intakes had an effect on improving antioxidative capacity in 15-month-old rats. Effects of green tea and chamomile powders, especially, were higher than sage powder.



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