- Computer communication review Congestion avoidance and control V.Jacobson;M.J.Karels
- IETF RFC 2581 TCP congestion control M.Allman(et al.)
- TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume1 : The protocols W. Richard Stevens
- IETF RFC 2582 The NewReno modificatiion to TCP's fast rekcovery alogrithm S.Floyd;T.Henderson
- Proc. of SIGCOMM'95 Evaluation of TCP vegas : emulation and experiment J.S.Ahn(et al.)
- IETF RFC 2018 TCP selective acknowledgment options M.Mathis(et al.)
- ACM computer communication review v.26 no.3 Simulation-based comparisons of Tahoe, Reno, and SACKTCP K.Fall;S.Floyd
- IETF RFC 3481 TCP over second (2.5G) and third (3G) generation wireless ntworks H.inamura;G.Montenegro;R.Ludwig;A.Gurtov;F.Khnfizov
- IEEE Commn. Mag. TCP performance issues over wireless links G.Xylomenos(et al.)
- IEEE Communications Surveys TCP in wired-cum-wireless environments K.Pentkousis
- IEEE/ACM Trans. on networking v.5 no.6 A comparison of mechanisms for improving TCP performace over wireless links H.Balakrishnan;V.N.Padmanabhan;S.Sechan;R.H.Katz
- RFC 2757 Long thin networks G.Montenegro(et al.)
- IEEE Trans. on computers v.46 no.3 Implementation and performance evaluation of indirect TCP A.V.Bakre;B.R.Badriath
- Proc. of 3rd IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'99) WTCP : An efficient mechanism for inproving TCP performance over wireless liks Karunaharan Ratnam;Ibrahim Matta
- ACM computer communication review v.27 no.5 M-TCP : TCP for mobile cellular networks K.Brown;S.Sigh
- ACM Wireless Networks v.1 Improving reliable transport and handoff perfomance in cellular wireless networks H.Balakrishnan;S.Seshan;R.H.Katz
- Technical Report 99-003, Computer science department, Texas A&M university Delayed duplicate acknowledgements: A TCP-unaware approach to improve performance of TCP over wireless N.H.Vaidya(et al.)
- Mobile Networks and Applications Improving TCP performance over wireless networks at the link layer C.Parsa(et al.)
- Proc. of SIGCOMM'96 Improving the start-up behavior of a congestion control scheme for TCP J.C.Hoe
- Proc. of SIGCOMM'96 Forward acknowledgment : Refining TCP congestion control M.Mathis; J.Mandavi
- WAP forum WAP,Wireless profiled Tcp WAP
- IEEE J. on selected oreas in communications v.SAC-13 no.5 Improving the performance of reliable transport protocols in mobile computing environments R.Caceres;Liviu Iftode
- IETF RFC 2414 Increasing TCP's inital window M.Allman;S.Floyd;C.Partridge
- Proc. of ACM Mobicom'99 WTCP : A reliable transport protocol for wireless wide-area networks Prasun Sinha(et al.)
- Telecommunications review v.10 no.6 전송 오류율이 높은 무선환경에서의 TCP 성능저하 극복방안 조준상;최명환
- IETF Mobile IP WG Internet draft, draft-ietf-mobileip-fast-mipv6-06.txt Fast Handovers for Mobile ⅠPv6 R.Koodili
- NS-2 network simulator