서울시내 직장인의 스트레스와 식생활관리

A Study on the Stress and Dietary Life of Office Workers in Seoul

  • 김종군 (세종대학교대학원 조리외식경영과) ;
  • 김정미 (세종대학교대학원 조리외식경영과) ;
  • 최미경 (세종대학교대학원 조리외식경영과)
  • 발행 : 2003.08.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the dietary attitude and health on the stress status of office - workers in Seoul. This research was conducted on 389 office workers (224 males and 165 female). In relation to stress, it was found that the degree of stress as an office workers was ′slight′ and much for 45.2% and 40.6%, respectively, of the study population. Consequently, most office workers were found to be under stress. The amount of food intake under stress was found to be ′reduced′, unchanged and increased in 38.3, 37.0 and 24.7%, respectively, of those surveyed. The preferred foods when under stress were found to be alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, in 57.6% of cases, which was the highest proportion regardless of age, sex, marital status, occupation and educational level. The desired taste when under stress was found to be ′hot′ and sweet in 34.7 and 26.0%, respectively. As to the feeling after food intake, 51.7% responded that food intake was not useful for the relief of stress, which was the highest proportion and many salaried females worried about weight gain. With regard to the relationship between stress, health and nutrition, 69.9% of office workers responded that they thought the relationship of these factors was very high. As for the greatest cause triggering stress, 50.3% responded "due to workplace and job". The best method for relieving stress was to do exercise, with a 30.1 % response, The average score for the degree of stress and tension was 7.2, with 64.0% of office workers having an average level between 6- and 9. The degree of stress was higher for females than males, for unmarried salaried and hot-tempered persons. Those not doing exercise were subject to the highest levels of stress, and those a having sufficient sleep were found to be subject to less stress. Those interested in their health were found to have a good condition and lower levels of stress. In correlation with eating habits, stress, the degree of tension and personality, the F-value was found to be 43.505 (p<0.01), with an explanatory power of 0.294 (29.4%), indicating significant differences. This means that office workers with higher degrees of stress and tension tended to have poorer eating habits. Since bad eating habits have an adverse effect on both the state of physical health and individuals emotional development, for the purpose of correctly managing stress, office workers should make efforts to practice good eating habits.



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