Technology 수렴가능성에 대한 실증적 고찰

An Empirical Study on the Technology Convergence

  • 조상섭 (한국전자통신연구원(ETRI)) ;
  • 이장우 (한국전자통신연구원(ETRI))
  • 발행 : 2003.08.01


The objective of this study is to examine the existence of technology gap convergence between manufacturing sector and Grand Total over 1970 to 2000 under nonlinearity relationship in Korea. We use the concept of technology convergence as the stationarity test of technology gap over the relevant periods. Our empirical results provide two important implications for the future study: First, our empirical results strongly support the nonlinearity for technology convergence in our country and an empirical tests based on the assumption of linearity will be biased and wrong industry and economic policy implications. Second, we find two regimes i.e. technology convergence and technology divergence between manufacture sector and Grand Total in our country over 1970 to 2000. These study results imply that the relevant industry and economic policies for technology and R&D implementations be with a causation.



  1. 정보통신정책연구 v.9 정보통신자본(IT Capital Stock)의 노동생산성기여도 분석 조상섭
  2. 기술혁신연구 v.10 R&D기반 성장모형의 실증분석 조상섭;정동진;장송자
  3. Econometrica v.60 A Model of Growth through Creative Destruction Aghion,P.;P.Howitt
  4. Econometrica v.61 Tests for Parameter Instability and Structural Change with Unknown Change Point Andrews,D.
  5. International Economic Review v.30 Linear Versus Nonlinear Macroeconomies: A Statistical Test Ashley,R.;Patterson, Douglas
  6. American Economic Reviews v.76 Productivity Growth, Convergence, and Welfare: What the Long? Run Data Show Baumol,W.
  7. Journal of Applied Econometrics v.10 Convergence in international output Bernard,A.;S.Durlauf
  8. American Economic Reviews v.86 Comparing Apples to Oranges: Productivity Convergence and Measurement across Indestries and Countries Bernard,A.;C.Jones
  9. Review of Economics and Statistics v.78 Productivity across industries and Countries: Time series theory and evidence Bernard,A.;C.Jones
  10. American Economic Review v.83 Leapfrogging in International Competition: A Theory of Cycles in National Technological Leadership Brezis,E.;Krugman,P.;Tsiddon,D.
  11. Journal of Monetary Economics v.32 no.2 Convergence and U.S. States: Time Series Analysis Carlino,G.;L.Mills
  12. Econometrica v.69 Threshold Autoregression with a Unit Root Caner,M.;Hansen,B.
  13. Economic Letters v.77 Nonlinear Mean Reversion in Real Exchange Rates Chortareas,G.;Kapetanios,G;Shin,Y.
  14. Journal of Applied Econometrics v.10 Multiple Regimes and Cross-Country Growth Behaviour Durlauf,S.;Johnson,P.
  15. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control v.20 Using Cross-Country Variances to Evaluate Growth Theories Evans,P.
  16. Journal of Monetary Economics v.37 Convergence Revisited Evans,P.;G.Karras
  17. Journal of Economic Literature v.30 Do Old Fallacies ever Die Friedman,M.
  18. Economic Letter v.78 Panel Tests of Stochastic Convergence: TFP Transmission within Manufacturing Industries Funk,M.;Strauss,J.
  19. The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics Productivity: Measurement Problems Griliches,Z.;Eatwell, Milgate(ed.);Newman(ed.)
  20. Review of Economic Studies v.58 Quality Ladders in the Theory of Growth Grossman,G.;E.Helpman
  21. Journal of Econometrics Exploring the Relationship between R&D and Productivity in French Manufacturing Firms Hall,B.;Mairesse,J.
  22. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics v.1 Inference in TAR Models Hansen,B.
  23. American Economic Review v.90 Endogenous Growth and Cross-Country Income Differences Howitt,P.
  24. R&D Implementation and Stagnation: A Schumpeterian Theory of Convergence Clubs, Manuscript Howitt,P.;Mayer-Foulkes,D.
  25. Testing for Unit Roots in Heterogeneous Panels, Manuscript Im,K.S;S.Pesaran, S.;J.Shin
  26. Quarterly Journal of Economics v.96 Growth Empirics: A Panel Data Approach Islam,N.
  27. Journal of Political Economics v.96 R&D Based Model of Economic Growth Jones,C.
  28. Quarterly Journal of Economics v.110 Time Series Tests of Endogenous Growth Models Jones,C.
  29. Discussion Paper Unit root test in panel data: Asymptotic and Finite Sample Properties Levin,A.;C.Lin
  30. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics A comparative Study of Unit Root Tests with Panel Data and a New Simple Test Maddala,G.;S.Wu
  31. Measuring Productivity OECD
  32. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review v.17 Changes in the Wealth of Nations Parente,S.;Prescott,E.
  33. Journal of Applied Economics v.10 A Nonlinear Approach to US GNP Potter, Simon
  34. European Economic Review v.40 Empirics for Economic Growth and Convergence Quah,D.
  35. Jouranl of Economic Growth v.2 Empirics for Growth and distribution: Stratification, Polarization, and Convergence Clubs Quah,D.
  36. Journal of International Money and Fianace v.18 Modeling Non-linearities in Real Effective Exchange Rates Sarantis,N.